1. Praise the Name of Yahshua

Praise the name of Yahshua.
Praise the name of Yahshua.
He's my rock. He's my fortress.
He's my deliverer, in Him will I trust.
Praise the name of Yahshua.

2. I see Yahweh

I see Yahweh. I see Yahweh.
He is high and lifted up and His
Train fills the temple.
He is High and lifted up and His
Train fills the temple.
The angels cry, HOLY.
The angels cry HOLY.
The angels cry
HOLY unto Yahweh.

3. Who Is Like Unto Thee 

Who is like unto Thee, oh our
Mighty El? Who is like unto
Thee? Glorious in holiness.
Fearful in praises, doing
wonders. Who is like unto Thee

4. I Love Yahshua 

I love Yahshua, for He is my
Friend. He's never failed me,
tho' oft I've failed Him. His
love sustains me, when the way
is not plain to me. I love
Yahshua Ha Mashea with all of
my heart.

5. Far Above All Rule 

Far above all rule and authority
and power and dominion. Far
above all rule and authority
and power and dominion. And
every name that is named not
only in this age, but also in the
one to come. And every name
that is named not only in this
age, but also in the one to come.
He is seated at the Father's
right hand, in heavenly places.
We are seated with Him at the
Father's right hand in heavenly

6. Bind Us Together, Yah 

Bind us together, Yah. Bind us
together with cords that cannot
be broken. Bind us together,
Yah. Bind us together, Yah.
Bind us together in love.
There is only one Elohim. There
is only one King. There is only
one body, that is why we sing...

7. It is a good thing to give thanks unto Yahweh

It is a good thing to give thanks
unto Yahweh. It is a good thing
to give thanks unto Yahweh.
And to sing praises unto Thy
name, oh MOST HIGH

8. Let the Saints Be Joyful In Glory

Let the saints be joyful in
glory. Let them sing aloud
upon their beds. Let the 
High praises of Yah be in
their mouth, and a two-
edged sword in their hand.

9. I Exalt Thee

For Thou oh Yah art high
above all the earth.
Thou art exalted far above all
other gods. For Thou oh Yah
art high above all the earth.
Thou art exalted far above
all other gods.
I exalt Thee. I exalt Thee. I
exalt Thee, oh Yah. I exalt
Thee. I exalt Thee. I exalt
Thee, oh Yah.

10. Let the Breath of Yah Now Breathe on Me

Let it breathe on me. Let it
breathe on me. Let the breath
of Yah now breathe on me.
Let it breathe on me. Let it
breathe on me. Let the
breath of Yah now breathe on

11. Never Thirst Again 

Yahshua said one day, If any
man is thirsty, let him come to
me and I will give him some
water and he'll never thirst
again. Never thirst again.
Never thirst again. Who so
drinketh of the water I shall
give shall never thirst again.

12 - Thou Art My El

Thou art my El and I will
praise Thee. Thou art my El,
I will exalt Thee. Oh give
thanks unto Yahweh for He
is good and His mercy
endureth forever.

13 - Halleluyah for Yahweh Our El the Almighty Reigns

Halleluyah for Yahweh our El,
the almighty reigns.
Halleluyah for Yahweh our El,
the almighty reigns. Let us 
rejoice and be glad and give
the glory unto Him.
Halleluyah for Yahweh our El,
the almighty reigns.

14 - I Keep Falling in Love with Him

I keep falling in love with Him,
over and over and over and
over again. I keep falling in
love with Him, over and over
and over and over again. He
gets sweeter and sweeter as
the days go by. Oh what a
love between my Savior and I.
I keep falling in love with Him
over and over and over and
over again.

15 - There is Nothing too Hard for Thee

Oh Yahweh, Oh Yahweh
behold, Thou hast made
heavens and earth by Thy
great power and outstretched 
arm. There is nothing too
hard for Thee. There is 
nothing too hard for Thee.

16 - He Careth for You

He careth for you. He careth
for you. His love flows like a 
river. He died its true,
because of love for you. So,
trust Him with your life.

17 - Reach out and Touch Yahshua

Reach out and touch
Yahshua as He goes by.
You'll find He's not too
busy to hear your heart's
cry. He is passing by this
moment your needs to
supply. Reach out and
touch Yahshua as He
goes by.

18 - Come Bless Yahweh

Come bless Yahweh, all ye
servants of Yahweh, who
stand by night in the house
of Yahweh. Lift up your
hands in the holy place. And
bless Yahweh and bless

19 - He Is Exalted

He is exalted. He is exalted.
He is exalted on high.
Creation will praise Him. His
saints will adore Him. He is
exalted on high.
You are exalted. You are
exalted. You are exalted on
high. The earth sings Your
praises and saints lift their
voices. The King in exalted on

21 - He Paid A Debt

He paid a debt He did not owe.
I owed a debt I could not pay.
I needed someone to wash my
sins away. And now I sing a
brand new song, Amazing
Grace. Yahshua paid a debt
that I could never pay.

22 - Oh How I Love this Family 

Oh how I love this family, for
in each one I see the Spirit of
Yahshua Ha Mashea. I'm so
glad Yahweh called you,
whether gentile or dear Jew.
How I love this world wide
family of Yah.

23 - Father Yah I Give All Thanks to Thee 

Father Yah I give all thanks
to Thee. Father Yah my
hands I humbly raise to Thee.
For Thy mighty power and
love amazes me, amazes me.
As I stand in awe and worship
Father Yah.

24 - Born Again 

Born again, there's really been
a change in me. Born again,
just like Yahshua said. Born
again, it's all because of
Calvary. I'm glad, so glad
that I've been born again.

25 - Draw Me After You 

Draw me after You and let us
run together. We will rejoice
in You and be glad. We will
rejoice in You and be glad.
We will extol Your love more
than wine. Draw me after
You and let us run together.
We will rejoice in You and
be glad.

26 - Beloved Let Us Love One Another 

Beloved let us love one another
For love is of Yah and
everyone that loveth is born of
Yah, and knoweth Yah. He
that loveth not knoweth not
Yah for Yah is love.
Beloved let us love one another
First John 4:7 and 8

30 - Little by Little He's Changing Me 

Little by little He's changing
me. Line upon line He's
teaching me. Precept on
precept until I'm free.
Yahshua is changing me.

32 - Oh Yahweh I Call unto You 

Oh, Yahweh I call unto You, to
take my life, to take my strife,
to take my burdens and my
cares. To cleanse my soul, to
make me whole, that I may
give my all to You. Oh,
Yahweh, I call unto You.

34 - Father Make Us One 

Father make us one. Father
make us one, that the world
might know Thou hast sent
Thy Son. Father make us one.
Behold how pleasant and good
it is that men should dwell in
unity. For there Yahweh
commands a blessing, even life
forever more.

35 - I Will Praise Him in the Morning 

I will praise Him in the
morning, HalleluYah. I
will praise Him in the
evening, HalleluYah. For He
is everything to me and only
He can set the captives free.

36 - Make Us One 

Make us one in Thy Holy
Spirit, Yahweh. Knit us
together by Your love, that
we might be the people You
desire us to be. A people
made your precious family.

37 - I Will Praise Him 

I will praise Him. I will praise
Him. Praise the Lamb for
sinners slain. Give Him glory
all ye people, for His blood
has washed away each stain.

38 - Seek Ye First 

Seek ye first the Kingdom of
Yah and His righteousness.
And all these things shall be
added unto you.
Hallelu, HalleluYah.
Ask and it shall be given unto
you. Seek and ye shall find.  
Knock and it shall be open
unto you. Hallelu, HalleluYah.

39 - Great Father Almighty 

Great Father Almighty,
Everlasting we adore Thee.
Father so tender and true.
Please take us and use us in a
way that will please You and
bring glory to Yahshua's

40 - Let's Move up a Little Closer 

Let's move up a little closer in
Yah's kingdom. Let's all get
our hearts in one accord.
Let's open up our hearts to
receive this message of what
Yah's doing in this hour.