Yahweh's Love Letter

“Hello my child, you are still as wonderful as the day I formed you.
Look at the flowers and how they each have an unique design, do you see their colors, do you know their specific purpose. Look at the fruits and how each one has a unique taste and shape, consider how those same fruits can be used as a scented fragrance and bring nutrition to your body. When I created them I thought of how you could find pleasure in their taste. Look at the sun and its beauty, have you experienced its warmth, do you know of its benefits? Just as I put much thought and intention into the creation of these things, so did I take my time when creating you. All creation, testifies of me yet all of creation was made to sustain your life. I’ve given you eyes to see and landscapes for you to gaze upon. I’ve given you ears to hear and I’ve created each bird with a song for you to enjoy. I’ve given you a mouth to taste and the ability to communicate with love ones, have you had a good laugh my child? I’ve given you hands to build, feel, and embrace. I’ve given you a nose to smell and a soul to be alive. For I love you, I do. I knew before I formed the foundation of the world that I’d willingly lay my life down for you. I placed before you the choice of life or death, and when you chose death, so did I, in order to give you another chance to obtain life. You are the joy that was set before me. Because of my love for you I left heaven to dwell with you personally. It was for you that I endured the cross.
When you like a sheep find yourself lost or in danger I will run after you again and again and again.
I am your protector, your shepherd, your strength. Not only will I guide you, I will take upon myself your shortcomings if only you abide in me as I abide in you. I know every leaf that falls from every tree just like I know every hair that is upon your head. You are precious to me. I have a collection of every tear you’ve shed and I prepared a place where you wont shed them anymore. You’ve had hard times I know. But be reminded that I make use of every trial you encounter by using it for your good. I am with you on the mountain top and I will be with you in the deepest valley. When you are alone and the enemy is pursuing you, with one word I send my angels to encamp around you. I’ve comforted you in your times of doubt. I’ve heard your prayers and I will do what seems fit. When you are in turmoil, when you do not know where to go, when the pain of this life strangles your voice… know that I notice. Know that I am your refuge in whom you can find safety. Like a mother bird that warms her babies, I hide you under the shadow of my wing. For no one nor anything can take you out of my hand. I am you healer, your physician, your friend, your king. I am your sword, I am your shield, I am you defender, I am your victory, I am that I am.
My joy, you have experienced loss, grief, confusion, fear, unsurety and all that comes with the weight of sin. It gets heavy, and I knew this. That’s why I am offering you a lighter burden. If you’d accept my gift of salvation I’ll put your sin far away from you… as far as the east is from the west… It’ll be tossed into the sea of forgetfulness.
Just as if you’ve never done it. The breach between us has been repaired all I ask is that you be mine and I’ll be yours.
My child, I’ve given you my word which is my love letter. Read it, study it, follow it, and by doing so you will abide in my love. In that letter you will learn of my heart toward you. You will see my hand in the very fabric of your being. See what I love and learn about what I hate. You’ll see my mercy and my grace, my character and my passion. Seek me and you will find me for I am not hiding from you. I have your best interest in mind, my plans for you go beyond what you can imagine. I won't harm you, I’ll give you a hope that is secure for I deliver on my promises. If you find yourself doubting that I love you, remember what sacrifice I made to demonstrate to you that I never stopped.
Love, Love.
Look at the flowers and how they each have an unique design, do you see their colors, do you know their specific purpose. Look at the fruits and how each one has a unique taste and shape, consider how those same fruits can be used as a scented fragrance and bring nutrition to your body. When I created them I thought of how you could find pleasure in their taste. Look at the sun and its beauty, have you experienced its warmth, do you know of its benefits? Just as I put much thought and intention into the creation of these things, so did I take my time when creating you. All creation, testifies of me yet all of creation was made to sustain your life. I’ve given you eyes to see and landscapes for you to gaze upon. I’ve given you ears to hear and I’ve created each bird with a song for you to enjoy. I’ve given you a mouth to taste and the ability to communicate with love ones, have you had a good laugh my child? I’ve given you hands to build, feel, and embrace. I’ve given you a nose to smell and a soul to be alive. For I love you, I do. I knew before I formed the foundation of the world that I’d willingly lay my life down for you. I placed before you the choice of life or death, and when you chose death, so did I, in order to give you another chance to obtain life. You are the joy that was set before me. Because of my love for you I left heaven to dwell with you personally. It was for you that I endured the cross.
When you like a sheep find yourself lost or in danger I will run after you again and again and again.
I am your protector, your shepherd, your strength. Not only will I guide you, I will take upon myself your shortcomings if only you abide in me as I abide in you. I know every leaf that falls from every tree just like I know every hair that is upon your head. You are precious to me. I have a collection of every tear you’ve shed and I prepared a place where you wont shed them anymore. You’ve had hard times I know. But be reminded that I make use of every trial you encounter by using it for your good. I am with you on the mountain top and I will be with you in the deepest valley. When you are alone and the enemy is pursuing you, with one word I send my angels to encamp around you. I’ve comforted you in your times of doubt. I’ve heard your prayers and I will do what seems fit. When you are in turmoil, when you do not know where to go, when the pain of this life strangles your voice… know that I notice. Know that I am your refuge in whom you can find safety. Like a mother bird that warms her babies, I hide you under the shadow of my wing. For no one nor anything can take you out of my hand. I am you healer, your physician, your friend, your king. I am your sword, I am your shield, I am you defender, I am your victory, I am that I am.
My joy, you have experienced loss, grief, confusion, fear, unsurety and all that comes with the weight of sin. It gets heavy, and I knew this. That’s why I am offering you a lighter burden. If you’d accept my gift of salvation I’ll put your sin far away from you… as far as the east is from the west… It’ll be tossed into the sea of forgetfulness.
Just as if you’ve never done it. The breach between us has been repaired all I ask is that you be mine and I’ll be yours.
My child, I’ve given you my word which is my love letter. Read it, study it, follow it, and by doing so you will abide in my love. In that letter you will learn of my heart toward you. You will see my hand in the very fabric of your being. See what I love and learn about what I hate. You’ll see my mercy and my grace, my character and my passion. Seek me and you will find me for I am not hiding from you. I have your best interest in mind, my plans for you go beyond what you can imagine. I won't harm you, I’ll give you a hope that is secure for I deliver on my promises. If you find yourself doubting that I love you, remember what sacrifice I made to demonstrate to you that I never stopped.
Love, Love.
Given by the Holy Spirit
Written by Evangelist Leonardo Johnson
FOT 2024
Written by Evangelist Leonardo Johnson
FOT 2024