Is Hannukah Pagan? ((Updated))
Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays? ((Updated))
A Lesson on Modesty
Written by Elizabeth White.
Written by Elizabeth White.
Now when people hear the topic is modesty they think that it is for women only and women seem to think it is about keeping your boobs covered up… Now granted modesty mostly does concern women but in today's world it does concern men.
Colossians 2 Encourages Keeping the Law Part 1
Written by Micah Anthony
Written by Micah Anthony
Colossians 2:20," If you have died with Messiah to the the principles of the world [notice it doesn't say the principles of Elohim], why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its regulations: 21 “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!”?22 These will all perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings."
Colossians 2 Encourages Keeping the Law Part 2
Written by Micah Anthony
Written by Micah Anthony
When we are forgiven of our sins, those old traditions, doctrines and ordinances of men which are AGAINST us, have no power over us any longer; conditioned upon if we are in Yahshua (operating under the gracious power and rule of His Holy Spirit's leading in our lives)...
Disproving the Serpent Seed Doctrine
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
The serpent seed doctrine is a belief based on poor biblical interpretation and superstition. It is a primary doctrinal resource for those who want to use Scriptures to justify racial prejudice.
Should Wear Tzitzits Today? Part 1
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
This is part 1 of a Bible study series called Does Our Elohim Command That We Should Wear TZITZITS Today?
Should Wear Tzitzits Today? Part 2
Micah Anthony.
Micah Anthony.
This is part 2 of a Bible study series called Does Our Elohim Command That We Should Wear TZITZITS Today?
Examining the Book of Enoch: Part 1: Reasoning
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
In this multi-part study, we examine the Book of Enoch and determine whether it is reliable and can be looked at Scripture.
Examining the Book of Enoch: Part 2: The Apocrypha Books
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
The book of the Apocrypha should not be considered Holy Scripture because they do not give any evidence of being authoritative.
Examining the Book of Enoch: Part 3: The Sons of God
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
In the third part of this study we examine the Book of Enoch regarding the sons of God.
Growing In Yahshua: Foundations
Written by Jeremy Mwangelwa.
Written by Jeremy Mwangelwa.
The Growing in Yahshua: Foundations is an in depth study to help ground new believers or believers returning to Yahshua. It is a 12-lesson study designed to be done in 12 weeks.
Head Coverings: A Biblical Church Practice
Written by Elizabeth White.
Written by Elizabeth White.
Though the “traditions/ordinances/doctrines” are not explicitly defined, we can safely conclude that head covering was one of them. The teaching on head covering, (1 Corinthians. 11:3-16) is sandwiched between two contrasting statements. In verse 2, Paul says “I praise you” followed by teaching on head covering.
Is Hannukah Pagan?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
It is about a period in time when the Greek pagans were trying to destroy Torah; not unlike people do today. Hanukah is a day for Torah observant people to take a stand for Torah. It is not a replacement for Christmas.
Romans 14: Part 1: Does Paul Teach Against Keeping the Law?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
We already know that the writings of Paul are difficult to understand. We were even warned beforehand by Peter that Paul’s letters can be misunderstood by those lacking a strong foundation in Elohim’s Word (The Law).
Romans 14: Part 2: Does Paul Teach Against the Sabbath and Dietary Instructions?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Paul begins the chapter by declaring we are to still receive those who are weak in the faith and to not dispute over doubtful things. Romans 14:1 Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.
Romans 14: Part 3: is About Doubtful Things and Not the Law
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
In Romans 14, the “doubtful things” that Paul is speaking of are obviously things outside of Yahweh Elohim’s Law that were matters of contention for believers in the first century. Given that this is a letter to a specific group of people about a specific debate, we must extract various clues to assist us in piecing together exactly what Paul is teaching.
Romans 14: Part 4 Is Clean Meat Made Unclean?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Again, evidence consistently shows that in Romans 14 Paul’s (debate # 1: is clean meat made unclean?), is addressing the issue of eating meat from the meat market that has been sacrificed to idols. He teaches that it is fine to eat if we are unaware of it’s origin and do not give the impression to others that sun god temple sacrifice is acceptable. If those criteria are met then it is Paul’s opinion and understanding that the meat is just fine.
Romans 14: Part 5: Which Day to Fast
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
This chapter is about ‘doubtful things’. Commandments of Yahweh are not doubtful things... [Also] There is no mention of the Sabbath in this chapter.
Sabbath Celebration Part 1
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Not only is keeping Yahshua's Sabbath day command a memorial or celebration of How He as Elohim created the heavens and Earth in six literal days, it acknowledges His creation of time itself. In Genesis 1:1, the words "in the beginning" pronounces Elohim's start or creation of Earthly time.
Sabbath Celebration Part 2
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Not only is keeping Yahshua's Sabbath day command a memorial or celebration of How He as Elohim created the heavens and Earth in six literal days, it acknowledges His creation of time itself. In Genesis 1:1, the words "in the beginning" pronounces Elohim's start or creation of Earthly time.
Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Christians should feel free to celebrate their birthday in a Elohim-glorifying way. This has seemed obvious to me before, but after looking into it more I can understand why some might think the opposite of this statement.
Should Christians Have Tattoos Part 1?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
As Christians (spiritual Israel), we know our bodies are not our own, but rather Yahweh Elohim’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). The Bible has a high view of the human body as Yahweh’s handiwork, which is not to be disfigured.
Should Christians Have Tattoos Part 2?
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Without exception, research after research, study after study, book after book, the roots of the tattoo never wavers. The following documentation is just a small (very small) drop of the ocean of research documenting the pagan and demonic source of the tattoo.
The Name YHWH
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
The Creator YHWH knows you by name. Do You Know Him By His Personal NAME? You may know He is the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the god of Moses, the Author of the Ten Commandments, the Creator of all things, but do you know His personal name?
The Truth of the Great Commission
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
Matthew 28:19-20,“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Transliteration vs Translation
Written by Micah Anthony.
Written by Micah Anthony.
The Savior's Name has been transliterated. Do you know what that means and do you understand its implications?
What is God's Name?
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
So Moses asked, “Who are you? What’s your name—if you even have a name?” God had already revealed Himself as “the God of your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” (see Ex. 3:6). Moses knew that; he wanted to know God’s name.
What is the Purpose and Meaning of Baptism?
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
The Bible uses the Greek, baptisma it iterally means immersion or dipping. Though the word for baptism in Greek means immerse or dip, not all Christians use this mode when baptizing. Many sprinkle or pour water on the head. Discover what the Bible actually says.
What the Bible Teaches on Cussing
Written by Micah Anthony
Written by Micah Anthony
I will forever have an image of my Mother Norma Jean Anthony cornering me in the bathroom with a bar of soap in her hand. Mom taught us not to cuss.
When Do We Keep Passover?
Written by Jeremy Mwangelwa
Written by Jeremy Mwangelwa
The biggest issue is when the Biblical year begins. If all the churches began the Biblical new year at the same time, then we would all keep the feast days at the same time. The following study looks at when we keep Passover, which is the sacrifice that brings us into the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Women in Ministry
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
But was ordering that women do not assume superiority over men or promote false teachings (in Ephesus) or disorderly outburst (in Corinth).
Yahshua's Death, Burial, and Resurrection Part 1: Death
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
How long was Yahshua Messiah on the cross? Here is an in depth look at Yahshua's death, burial, and resurrection.
Yahshua's Death, Burial, and Resurrection Part 2: Burial
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
Yahshua was on the cross for about six hours before he died, from about 9:AM to 3:PM. It isn't quite clear how long his dead body remained on the cross before being taken down (John 19:30-38)
Yahshua's Death, Burial, and Resurrection Part 3: Resurrection
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
Now we must reconcile the four gospel accounts of the resurrection. As previously stated - Each version is true. Some have more details or focus on particular events than others depending on whom the letter is being written to, all are inspired of the Holy Spirit. They tell one story.
Yahshua's Death, Burial, and Resurrection Part 4: Conclusion
Written by Elizabeth White
Written by Elizabeth White
The key to resolving these dilemmas is to understand that Peter and John were probably not staying in the same place as the other disciples. Remember, although all the disciples forsook Him and fled at His arrest (Matthew 26:56),
Can we eat mushroom & seaweed?
Written by Micah Anthony
Written by Micah Anthony
An interesting question but a solid look into whether or not we can eat mushrooms & seaweed.