86 - Mighty, Mighty

Mighty! Mighty! Is Yahweh
and mighty is His Name.
Mighty! Mighty! Is Yahweh
and greatly to be praised. He
is the Elohim of hosts, the Holy
One of Israel. Mighty! Mighty!
is Yahweh. So praise His
wonderful Name.

87 - Rejoice in Yahweh

Rejoice in Yahweh always and
again I say rejoice. Rejoice in
Yahweh always and again I 
say rejoice. Rejoice! Rejoice!
And again I say rejoice.
Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I
say rejoice.

90 - Put on the Garment of Praise

Put on the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness.
Lift up your voice to Yah.
Praise in the Spirit and with
understanding. Oh magnify

91 - Satan I Command You

Satan I command you in the
Name of Yahweh, put down
your weapons and flee. For
Yahshua hath given me
authority to stomp all over

92 - It's a Beautiful Day

Take a look at the sunrise o'er the hilltop.
It's like a new painting every day.
Watch the reds and the blues
and the golds flow together.
The Great Creator makes it every day.

It's a beautiful day with Father Yahweh.
It's a beautiful day every day.
It's a beautiful way going with His family.
Oh HalleluYah,
it's a beautiful day.

When we have a problem, we don't feel sad.
When we don't understand, let's not get mad.
Let's give our heavy load up to
Father Yahweh and enjoy His
beautiful day.

Feel the peaceful Dove come down upon us.
It is sent from our Father above.
On wings of  song He glides upon us.
And in His Spirit we move along.

There's a far more beautiful day we have to look to.
It's a day when true peace there shall be.
When we're united with Yahweh's family.
That beautiful day we shall see.

93 - Faithful Is What I Want to Be

Faithful is what I want to be.
Faithful to my loving Elohim.
He brought me out of this
world, gave me love and a family.
So faithful is what I want to be.

94 - More to Be Desired are They

The Law of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul.
The Testimony of Yahweh is sure,
making wise the simple.

More to be desired are they than gold.
Yea, than much fine gold.
Sweeter also than the honey, and the

The Statutes of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart.
The Commandment of Yahweh is
pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of Yahweh is clean, enduring forever.
The judgements of Yahweh are true
and righteous altogether.
2nd Chorus:
And in keeping of them there is great reward, is great
And in keeping of them is great reward.

95 - Give Thanks

Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy One.
Give thanks, for He has given Yahshua, His Son.

And now, let the weak say. "I am strong."
Let the poor say, "I am rich," because of what
Yahweh has done for us.
Give Thanks!!

96 - By His Word

By His Word, I have no fear in
me. By His Word, death
cannot swallow me. By His
Word, I have prosperity. By
His Word, sickness can't dwell
in me. By His Word, I walk in
victory. By His Word, I've
been set free.

98 - I Love You Yah Today

I love You. I love You. I love You, Yah, today,
because You care for me in such a special way.
That's why I praise You,
I lift You up, and I magnify Your Name.
That's why my heart is filled with praise.

My heart, my mind, my soul belongs to You,
because You died for me way back on Calvary.
That's why I praise You, I lift You up, and I magnify Your Name.
That's why my heart is filled with praise.

100 - I Found it in Him

I found it in Him, a way out
of darkness. I found it in
Him, sweet peace for my
soul. I found it in Him, a
reason for living. Now I'm
satisfied, and I need not look

101 - Our Yah Lives

Our Yah lives and He reigneth
Our Yah speaks, hears and
our Yah sees. Our Yah
speaks words of comfort in
any language. Our Yah rules
the wind and calms the
raging sea. Our Yah sees the
sins of those who disobey Him,
and He hears the prayers of
those to set them free. Our
Yah is not an idol. He lives
and reigns, I know, because
He lives in me.

103 - It's for Us He Died

It's for us He died, for us He
cried, for us He prayed all night.
All we have to do
is ask Him to help us live our lives.
He's a merciful Elohim.
He's always on your side.
If you ask Him to,
He'll come into your life.
For Yah so loved the world,
He gave His only Son, to die on
Calvary, for you and I.
It's for us He died, for us He
cried, for us He prayed all night.
All we have to do
is ask Him to help us live our lives.

104 - Heavenly Father, I Appreciate You

Heavenly Father, I appreciate
You. Heavenly Father, I
appreciate You. I love You,
adore. I bow down before
You. Heavenly Father, I
appreciate You.
Son of Yahweh, what a Wonder
You are. Son of Yahweh, what
a Wonder You are. You
cleanse my soul from sin, sent
the Holy Spirit within. Son of
Yahweh, what a Wonder You

Holy Spirit, what a Comfort You
are. Holy Spirit, what a
Comfort You are. You lead us.
You guide us. You live right
inside us. Holy Spirit, what a
Comfort You are.

105 - My Yah is Real

There are some things I may
not know. There are some
places I can't go. But I am
sure of this one thing, that
Yah is real, for I can feel Him
deep within.

My Yah is real, real in my soul.
My Yah is real, for He has
washed and made me whole.
His love for me is like pure
gold. My Yah is real for I can
feel Him in my soul.

Some folks may doubt. Some
folks may scorn. All can go on
and leave me alone. But as for
me, I'll take Yah's part. And
Yah is real for I can feel Him in
my heart.

I cannot tell just how you felt
when Yahshua took your sins
away. But since that day, yes, 
since that hour, Yah has been
real for I can feel His holy

106 - I Will Call upon Yahweh

I will call upon Yahweh,
Who is worthy to be praised.
So shall I be saved from my enemy.

Yahweh liveth, and blessed be
the Rock, and let the El of my
salvation be exalted. Yahweh
liveth, and blessed be the
Rock, and let the El of my
salvation be exalted.

107 - Beautiful, Wonderful Salvation

He saw me in my worst
condition, when I had no
good of my own. He looked
and He wept as He carried
that tree up Golgotha's Hill.

Beautiful, wonderful
salvation, that saves a sinner
like me. Beautiful, wonderful
Savior, who died on
Golgotha's tree.
I cried when I met this great
Savior. His love crushed my
sin hardened heart. I fell to
my face to adore Him and
His love filled my empty heart.

110 - Praise be to Yahweh

Praise be to Yahweh. All
glory to His Name. Praise be
to Yahweh and Yahshua His  
Son. Blest be the Spirit that
makes this body one. Praise
be to Yahweh and Yahshua
His Son.
Peace be on Israel, whose
Messiah we serve. Redeemed
us few gentiles and given us
His love. Filled with His
Spirit His kingdom we see.
The Spirit of Yahweh that's in
this family.

111 - So What If Kingdoms Crumble Down

For years alone and lost was I, no refuge could I find.
Just like a piece of drift wood
floating down the sea of time.
Then something happened to
my heart that's all that I can say.
When Yah said He would walk with me each step
of the way.

So what if kingdoms crumble down.
So what if storm clouds roll.
So what if this world be destroyed.
He'll take care of my soul.
I have no need to fear the night the terrors it may bring,
for while I'm walking in the light
I'm walking with the King.

Behind me now are wasted years, I care not to recall.
The future's so much brighter now, since I gave Him my all.
I'll not forget His mercy, nor be a fool with pride.
But I'll sing His praises all my days, so He'll stay by my side.

Hand in hand we walk along my heavenly King and I.
And if I stumble down and fall He'll not let me lie.
He'll call to me. He'll take my hand.
So patient and kind is He.
Walking with Yahshua,
talking with Him is heaven on
earth to me.

112 - Lift Him Up

How to reach the masses, men
of every birth, for an answer
Yahshua gave a key. And if I,
if I be lifted up from the
earth, I'll draw all men unto

Lift Him up! Oh, lift Him up!
Still He speaks from eternity.
And if I, if I be lifted up from the
earth, I'll draw all men unto

Oh, the world is hungry for the
living Bread. Lift the Savior
up for them to see. Trust Him
and do not doubt the words
that He said, "I'll draw all
men unto Me."
Lift Him up by living as a
believer should. Let the world
in you the Savior see. Then
men will gladly follow Him
Who once said, "I'll draw all
men unto Me."

113 - His Name is Wonderful

His Name is wonderful.
His Name is wonderful.
His Name  is wonderful,
Yahshua my King.
He is the mighty King,
Master of everything.
His Name is wonderful, Yahshua my King.
He's the Great
Shepherd, the Rock of all Ages.
Almighty Yah is He. Bow down
before Him. Love and adore
Him. His Name is wonderful,
Yahshua my King.

114 - Come and Dine

Yahshua has a table spread,
where the saints of Yah are
fed. He invites His chosen
people, come and dine. With
His manna He doth feed, and
supplies our every need. Oh,
'tis sweet to sup with
Yahshua all the time.
"Come and dine," the Master
calleth. "Come and dine."
You may feast at Yahshua's
table all the time. He who
fed the multitude, turned the
water into wine, to the
hungry calleth now, "Come
and dine."
The disciples came to land,
thus obeying Yahshua's
command. For the Master
called to them, "Come and
dine." There they found
their hearts' desire, bread
and fish upon the fire. Thus
He satisfies the hungry every

Soon the Lamb will take His
Bride, to be ever at His side.
All the host of heaven will
assemble be. Oh twill be a
glorious night, all the saints
in spotless white, and with
Yahshua they will feast

115 - Precious Yah

Precious Yah, take my hand.
Lead me on, let me stand.
I am tired. I am weak. I am
worn. Through the storm,
throught the night, lead me on
to the light. Take my hand,
precious Yah, lead me home.

When my way groweth drear,
precious Yah, linger near.
When my life is almost gone,
hear my cry, hear my call,
hold my hand lest I fall. Take
my hand precious Yah, lead
me home.

When the shadows appear and
the night draweth near, and
the day is past and gone. At
the river I stand, guide my
feet, hold my hand. Take my
hand precious Yah, lead me

121 - I'll Live for Him

My life, my love I give to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Yah Who died
for me. Oh may I ever
faithful be, my Savior and my El.

I'll live for Him Who died for
me, how happy then my life
shall be. I'll live for Him Who
died for me, my Savior and my El.

I now believe Thou dost receive
for Thou hast died that I might
live. And now henceforth I'll
trust in Thee, my Savior and
my El.

Oh Thou Who died on Calvary,
to save my soul and make me
free, I'll consecrate my life to
Thee, my Savior and my El.

122 - Lily of the Valley

I've found a Friend in Yahshua.
He's Everything to me.
He's the Fairest of ten thousand to my soul.
The Lily of the valley, in
Him alone I see, all I need to
cleanse and make me fully
whole. In sorrow He's my
Comfort. In trouble He's my
Stay. He tells me every care on
Him to roll...
He's the Lily of the valley, the
Bright and Morning Star.
He's the Fairest of ten thousand to my soul.

He all my grief has taken, and
all my sorrows born. In
temptation He's my Strong
and Mighty Tower. I've all for
Him forsaken and all my idols
torn from my heart and now
He keeps me by His power.
Tho' all the world forsake and
Satan tempts me sore, thru
Yahshua I shall safely reach
the goal...
He'll never, never leave me,
nor yet forsake me here, while
I live by faith and do His
blessed will. A Wall of fire
about me, I nothing now to
fear, with His Manna He my
hungry soul shall fill. Then
sweeping up to glory, I'll see
His blessed face, where rivers
of delight shall ever roll...

124 - In Your Temple

In Your temple I stand in awe
as the huge heavenly host sing,
and majesty are before You
continually. Strength and
beauty are in Your sanctuary.

125 - Glory Halleluyah

Glory Halleluyah, He's living in my heart.
Glory Halleluyah, He set me free.
When I was lost in darkness,
Yahshua took a hold of me.
Glory Halleluyah, He set me free.

126 - I Surrender All

All to Yahshua I surrender.
All to Him I freely give.
I will ever love and trust Him,
in His presence daily live.

I surrender all.
I surrender all.
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.
All to Yahshua I surrender.
Humbly at His feet I bow.
Worldly pleasures all
forsaken, taken me, Yahshua,
take me now.
All to Yahshua I surrender.
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine.
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
truly know that Thou art
All to Yahshua I surrender.
Yah, I give myself to Thee.
Fill me with Thy love and
power, let Thy blessing fall
on me.

128 - Higher Ground

I'm pressing on the Upward  Way.
New heights I'm gaining ev'ry day.
Still praying as I'm onward bound,
"Yah, plant my feet on Higher Ground."
Yah, lift me up and let me stand
by faith on Heaven's Tableland,
a Higher Plane than I have found.
Yah, plant my feet on Higher Ground.

My heart has no desire to stay
where doubts arise and fears dismay.
Tho' some may dwell where these abound,
my prayer, my aim is Higher Ground.

I want to live above the world,
though Satan's darts at me are hurled.
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
the song of saints on Higher Ground.

I want to scale the utmost height
and catch a gleam of glory bright.
But still I'll  pray 'til Heav'n I've found,
"Yah, lead me on to Higher Ground."

129 - He Lives

I serve a risen Savior.
He's in the world today.
I know that He is living, whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy.
I hear His voice of cheer,
and just the time I need Him He's always near.

He lives. He lives. Yahshua lives today.
He walks with me
and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives. He lives, salvation to impart.
You ask me how I know He lives;
He lives within my heart!

In all the world around me
I see His loving care.
And tho'my heart grows weary,
I never will despair.
I know that He is leading, thro' all the stormy blast.
The day of His appearing will come at last.

130 - I Want to Praise His Name

I want to praise His Name and
His love proclaim, for He's
done so very, very much for
me. I want to sing and shout
for from the pit He brought
me out. I want to praise His
Name for saving me.

131 - I Know Whom I Have Believed

I know not why Yah's  wondrous grace to me
He hath made known.
Nor why, unworthy, Yah in love
redeemed me for His Own.
But I know Whom I have
believed, and am persuaded
that He is able to keep that
which I've committed unto
Him against that day.

I know not how this saving
faith to me he did impart,
nor how believing in His Word
wrought peace within my
I know not how the Spirit
moves, convincing men of sin.Â
Revealing Yahshua through theÂ
Word, creating faith in Him.Â

I know not what of good or ill
may be reserved for me, of
weary ways or golden days,
before His Face I see.

I know not when my Yah may
come, at night or noonday fair,
nor if I'll walk the vale with
Him, or meet Him in the air.

133 - Everybody Ought to Know

Everybody ought to know.
Everybody ought to know.
Everybody ought to know,
Who Yahshua is. (Repeat)

He's the Lily of the Valley.
He's the Bright and Morning
Star. He's the Fairest of Ten
Thousand to my soul.
Everybody ought to know.

136 - At the Tree

Alas and did my Savior bleed?
And did my Sovereign die.
Would He devote that sacred
head for such a worm as I?
At the tree, at the tree where I
first saw the light, and the
burdens of my heart rolled
away. It was there by faith I
received my sight and now I
am happy all the day.

Was it for crimes that I have
done He groaned upon the
tree? Amazing pity, grace
unknown and love beyond

Well might the sun in darkness
hide and shut His glories in,
when Yah the mighty Maker
die for man the creatures sin.
But drops of grief can ne'er
repay the debt of love I owe.
Here, Yah, I give myself away,
'tis all that I can do.

137 - He Has Made Me Glad

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart.
I will enter His courts with praise.
I will say this is the day that Yahweh has made.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

He has made me glad.
He has made me glad.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
He has made me glad.
He has made me glad.
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.