42 - Holy Spirit Will Set Your Heart a-Dancing

The Holy Spirit will set your
heart a-dancing. The Holy
Spirit will fill you through and
through. The Holy Spirit will
set your heart a-dancing and
set your feet a-dancing, too.

43 - Now I Have that Everlasting Joy

Now I have that everlasting
joy within, since Yahshua
took away my sin. The
moment that He blessed me
and made me fully whole, He
put that everlasting joy down
in my soul.

44 - Is He Not an El

Is He not an El big enough to
answer your every prayer and
meet your every need? Does
not He know your heart, and
doesn't He love you? Will not
He answer in His perfect way?
Does not He know your heart,
and doesn't He love you?
Will not He answer in His
perfect way?

46 - Let's Move on by Faith

It was by faith that Noah
labored faithfully, and
built a place of refuge to
save his family. It was by
faith that Moses went across
the sea, for he knew that
Elohim would bring victory.

Let's move on by faith; let's
move on by faith. Let's
believe His Word, for it is ever
true. Whatsoever is not of
faith will then be of sin. So,
let's move on, trusting in Him,
the victory to win.
When in the midst of trouble,
do not be afraid. Just think of
brother Daniel, who so often
prayed, though thrown into the
lions. Still he would not doubt,
for he knew the El he served
would surely bring him out.

47 - I Don't Know Why

I don't know why He should
even love me so, that to a cruel
tree of death He would go. I
don't know how He could look
with love on me, but praise His
Name, I know I've been set
And now my life unto Him
belongs. He alone is the Theme
of my song. And this I surely
know, that where He leads me I
will go. For I just can't help
but love Him so.

48 - Bring Us Closer

Bring us closer, bring us closer
oh Yahweh unto Thee. Let us
catch the vision of Your great
family. Then we'll work with
each other in harmony. Bring
us closer, bring us closer unto

50 - My Beloved is Mine

My Beloved is mine and I am
His and His banner over me is
love. My Beloved is mine and
I am His and His banner over
me is love. My Beloved
is mine and I am His and His
banner over me is love. His
banner over me is love.

He brought me to His
banqueting table and His
banner over me is love. He
brought me to His banqueting
table and His banner over me
is love. He brought me to His
banqueting table and His
banner over me is love. His
banner over me is love.

He lifted me up into heavenly
places and His banner over me
is love. He lifted me up into
heavenly places and His
banner over me is love. He
lifted me up into heavenly
places and His banner over me
is love. His banner over me is

51 - Come and Eat of the Bread of Heaven

Come and eat of the Bread of
heaven. Come and drink of
the water of life. Yahshua is
the Bread Whom the Father
hath sent. And He's come to
give you life.

52 - Don't Try to Tell Me

Don't try to tell me, that my
Savior's dead. Don't try to
tell me that He's not alive.
For I can feel Him, and I can
hear Him when He speaks to
my heart. My Savior -
Yahshua - Yahshua's alive!

53 - Go Through

Go through! Go through the
Gate. Prepare ye the way of
the people. Cast up the
Highway, gather out the
stones. Lift up a standard for
My people.

54 - He Alone Is Worthy

He alone is worthy, I will praise Him.
He alone is worthy, I will praise Him.
He alone is worthy, I will praise Him.
Praise ye Yahweh! (Repeat)

Praise ye Yahweh, Halleluyah!
Praise ye Yahweh, Halleluyah!
Praise ye Yahweh, Halleluyah!
Praise ye Yahweh!

55 - I Know it was the Blood

I know it was the blood. I
know it was the blood. I
know it was the blood for me.
One day when I was lost, He
died and paid the cost. I
know it was the blood for me.

57 - He Set Me Free

He set me free, yes, he set me
free. He broke the bonds of
prison for me. I'm glory
bound, Yahshua to see. Oh,
glory to Yahweh, He set me

58 - Let Me Love My Brother

Let me love my brother more than myself.
Let me love my sister more than me.
Let Your love flow through me, to
meet the needs of this great family.

59 - It Gets Sweeter

It gets sweeter as the days go by.
It gets sweeter as the moments fly.
His love is richer, deeper, fuller, sweeter.
Sweeter and sweeter and sweeter as the days go by.

60 - I Love this Family of Yah

Amid the toils and struggles of
the day I stop and count my
blessings and I say, "Thank
You, Yah, for giving this new
life to me. And thank You
for this great family."

I love this family of Yah,
so closely knitted into one.
They've taken me into their
hearts and I'm so glad to be
a part of this great family.

If some temptation causes me
to ere, I know someone will
breathe my name in prayer,
asking Him for mercy and to
show to me and keep me in
this great family.

No greater love hath ever been
known to man since Yahshua
died that we might live again,
until a band of people pledge
most solemn allegiance to this
great family.

65 - He's Sweet I Know

He's sweet I know.
He's sweet I know.
Storm clouds may rise
and strong winds may blow.
But I'll tell the world, wherever
I go, that I have found the
Savior and He's sweet I know.

69 - Cloud of Glory

The cloud of Glory is moving.
Move with the cloud.
Move with the cloud.
The cloud of Glory is moving.
Move with the cloud.
Move with the cloud.
Let your spirit arise,
your strength be renewed.
Come let us move on together.
If we follow where He leads
new life we will receive.
Move with the cloud.
Move with the cloud.

70 - I Have Seen a Vision

I have seen a vision, a sweet
vision of life: one faith, one
doctrine, One Elohim;One
Spirit, one immersion,
One Father of all.
No matter where you're coming from,
no matter what your
nationality, there's just
One Spirit in the body of
Yahshua, creating one family.

71 - I Believe in the Father

I believe in the Father.
I believe in the Son.
I believe in the Spirit that's
making us one.
Yahshua prayed that last hour that we might be one.
I believe this great work is now being done.

73 - Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works

Great and marvelous are Thy
works, oh Yahweh El-Shaddi.
Just and true are Thy ways, oh
Thou King of saints. And who
shall not fear Thee, oh
Yahweh, and glorify Thy
Name? For Thou only art
holy and all nations shall
come and worship Thee.

74 - Free, Free, Free

Free! Free! Free! Yahshua set
me free and filled me with His
Holy Spirit. He opened my
eyes to His family, and what a
strength they have been to me.

75 - Oh How I Long for Thee

Oh how I long for Thee. Oh
how I thirst for Thee. How I
need Thy Holy Spirit to
cleanse my soul and to make
me whole. So, fill me up, fill
me up with Thy Holy Spirit.

76 - I Want to Be Ready

I want to be ready when
Yahshua comes. Ready to
meet Him when He comes
again. I want to be there
when His feet shall rend that
mountain in twain. I want to
see Yahshua when He comes.

79 - In His Presence

In His presence, in His
presence there is peace.
In His presence, in His
presence there is joy.
I will linger. I will stay in
His presence day by day,
until the world can see
Yahshua in me.

80 - I Will Sing unto Yahweh

I will sing unto Yahweh as long as I live.
I will sing praise to my El
while I have my being.
My meditation of Him shall be sweet.
I will be glad, I will be glad in Yahweh.
Bless thou Yahweh, oh my soul,
praise ye Yahweh.
Bless thou Yahweh, oh my soul
praise ye Yahweh.
Bless thou Yahweh,
oh my soul
praise ye Yahweh.
Bless thou Yahweh, oh my soul,
praise ye Yahweh...

81 - I Am Blessed

I am blessed. I am blessed.
Everyday that I live I am
blessed. When I wake up in
the morning 'til I lay my
head to rest, I am blessed.
I am blessed.

82 - Behold, Behold

82 - Behold, Behold
Behold, behold, behold how
good and pleasant it is, for
brethren, for brethren, for
brethren to dwell in unity.
It's like the oil, the precious
oil upon the head, that ran
down the beard even Aaron's
beard and down to his
garment's hem.

83 - Great is Yahweh

Great is Yahweh and greatly to be praised,
in the city of our El,
in the mountain of His holiness.
Beautiful situation, the joy of the whole earth,
is Mount Zion on the side of the north,
the city of the Great King.

84 - I Was Glad When They Said

I was glad when they said unto
me, let us go into the house of
Yahweh. Our feet shall stand
within thy gates, oh Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is builded as a city
that is compact together.
Whither the tribes go up, the
tribes of Yahweh unto the
testimony of Israel, to give
thanks unto the Name of
Yahweh. For there are set
thrones of the house of David.
Pray for the peace of
Jerusalem. They shall prosper
that love thee.

85 - I Will Perfect that which Concerneth Thee

I will perfect that which
concerneth thee, so wait on
Me, so wait on Me. I will
perfect that which
concerneth, so wait on Me,
just wait and see. I'll make
you one, in My Son, and that
glorious church will come
alive. I'll make you perfect in
that day. So just look My
way and lay all your burdens