This is the last lesson in this Growing in Yahshua: Foundations series. This lesson is about discipleship, and we will learn that Yahweh did not save us from our sins to simply be sin-free, He has also called us to be fellow workers with Him (1 Corinthians 3:9). We are to join the work that Yahweh is doing in saving humanity and strengthening His people. As we all know Yahweh sent His Son, Yahshua the Messiah, as the perfect example of being human. An example is to be imitated (1 Corinthians 11:1). Yahshua was a disciple of Yahweh because He only did what He saw Father Yahweh doing (John 5:19). He imitated the Father. We have been called to be disciples, imitators, of Yahshua Messiah and join Him in the work that He does.
The word “discipleship” comes from the word “disciple”. So, what is a disciple? To answer that question, it is best to look at the Biblical context, using a Biblical lexicon, and not any modern dictionary. The Greek word for disciple is transliterated as “mathétés” . How is that defined?
“Mathétés” means a learner or a follower of Messiah Yahshua who learns the doctrines of Scripture and the lifestyle they require; it also means someone cathechized (being taught in question-and-answer format) with proper instruction from the Bible with its necessary follow-through (life applications).
From HELPS Word-Studies Bible software.
So, by this definition, we see that a disciple not only learns and believes but follows through with life applications. That means a disciple is taught, he/she learns, and applies it to his/her life.
You have also been taught in a somewhat question-and-answer format. Questions asked at the end of a study help reveal how much you have understood the material and can help your church leaders see areas where you need improvement, where you need encouragement, and where you are doing very well.
The Growing in Yahshua: Foundations series has focused mostly on reading the Scripture with a call to believing and applying what you have read. This last lesson aims to form a bridge to Part 2 in the Growing in Yahshua program called Growing in Yahshua: Discipleship which involves more practical applications of what you have been taught in the Growing in Yahshua: Foundations series.
The Word is like a seed and because it takes time for a seed to sink into the soil and germinate, it may take some time for many students of the Growing in Yahshua: Foundations program to apply what they have learned. The Growing in Yahshua: Discipleship program assumes that one has started applying what he/she learned in the Foundations program and will have little trouble going deeper into practical applications of Scripture. Your church leaders will be aware of when you can begin the Growing in Yahshua: Discipleship series.
This final lesson is this series is like precalculus, a course taught in college that prepares students for calculus. Without precalculus, a student would have a very difficult time understanding calculus. It is therefore necessary that you start applying the principles taught in this lesson, and the entire series, so that when, Yah willing, you get into the Growing in Yahshua: Discipleship series, you will be more than ready!
Yahshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one can come to the Father, except through Him (John 14:6). Yahshua is the way to the Father, the truth about all things is in Him, and He alone grants eternal life. The only way anyone can come from darkness (unsaved) into the light (salvation) is by following Yahshua (John 8:12).
Yahshua came to grant salvation to all who believe in Him and the term “follow Me” is an invitation to salvation (Luke 5:27 – 28, John 1:43). The saved life is more than simply having your sins removed and going about your way, the saved life is about leaving your former life behind and following Yahshua. All who claim to believe in Yahshua ought to walk (live) as Yahshua walked (lived) (1 John 2:6). Yahshua has called you to follow Him. Please understand that there is not such thing as a believer who is not a disciple. All believers are disciples. The terms “Christian,” “disciple,” “saint,” “believer,” “child of Elohim” or any other term that refers to people who have put their faith in Messiah Yahshua refer to the same thing, and that is a person who is following Yahshua – a disciple of Yahshua. Discipleship is part-and-parcel of salvation.
Before Yahshua ascended into Heaven, He told the disciples to ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…” The goal of Congregation of Yahshua and the Growing in Yahshua series is to make you into a disciple of Yahshua. A disciple is a follower of Yahshua and after the disciple has been trained, he or she also goes and makes disciples who follow Yahshua. The disciple essentially calls others saying, “Follow me as I follow Yahshua.”
There are qualifications to becoming a fruitful disciple and before we talk about them, let’s talk about good practices you should have already been doing or that you should begin immediately if you haven’t been doing them. The following practices are practices of a diligent student.
Please read Luke 9:57 – 62. In this passage of Scripture, Yahshua calls people to follow Him. They say they will follow Him, but they put other things before following Him. At the end of this passage, Yahshua says that “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” In other words, if you’re going to be a disciple of Yahshua, you need to be fully convinced in your mind to follow Him and you must never look back at your former life.
Yahshua is calling those who have made up their mind to pursue Him. This requires diligence. Remember, we mentioned that Yahweh is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Yahshua desires those who are diligently pursuing Him. To do that, you need to be a diligent student.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “diligence” as steady, earnest, and energetic effort : devoted and painstaking work and application to accomplish an undertaking. If you have made it to this lesson, lesson 12, in 12 weeks (weather- and health-permitting) having done all the lessons and all your homework, you have shown diligence. You have shown steady, earnest, and energetic effort in reading the lessons and doing your homework. You have been a diligent student. Well done!
Now you need to apply the same steady, earnest, and energetic effort in other areas of following Yahshua. As you grow in Yahshua, you will realize that your entire life is to be a life of diligence in following Yahshua. For now, we shall separate specific activities that require your diligence now as you are about to start following Yahshua and encounter life-changing experiences.
Please read all referenced verses.

      1. Diligently attending church services
A diligent student diligently attends church services. Yahshua diligently attended church services as is written in Luke 4:16. It says that it was Yahshua’s custom to go into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. It is Yahweh’s will that we also attend church services on the Sabbath day and not neglect doing so (Hebrews 10:25). What we today call “church services” today is a gathering together of the people of Yahweh, setting themselves apart from the world, to call upon Yahweh’s Name, to be strengthened and encouraged, to receive admonition, to be spiritually fed and receive answer to prayers. The diligent student attends church services willingly and ready to receive from Yahweh.
Avoid the habit of missing church services due to minor ills. Some believers fight through slight headaches, discouragements, uncomfortable social interactions, “not feeling up to it”, tiredness and other such ills to go to work but will not put up any fight when it comes to attending church services.
Make up your mind to diligently attend church services. The believer who half-heartedly attends church services has a slow growth rate. Besides, many Bible studies presented by your church leaders are based on cumulative knowledge. For example, in a study that takes 6 weeks to complete, the sixth study will be based on knowledge gained from all prior studies and so missing any study will create holes in your understanding of Scripture. Holes in your understanding of Scripture are like holes in your armor, they are areas that the enemy can use against you.
To be a disciple of Yahshua, you must be like Yahshua and be a diligent attender of church services. Yahshua kept the Sabbath day and so must you and on that day attend church services.
Do all that you can to make the Sabbath day the most important day of the week, which it is. That will usually require you to prepare for the Sabbath day beginning on the first day of the week, Sunday. Starting preparations on Sunday can help you perform small activities to ensure that the Holy Day is a success. This can be especially helpful for large families, single parents, families with many children, busy college students, busy adults, or believers who live in climates where the sun sets early during winter months.
Small preparations involving activities such as shining shoes, ironing clothes, cleaning the house, visiting friends and loved ones, grocery shopping, schoolwork, work assignments, car repair, and the like done earlier in the week can make for a restful ending of the week as you approach the Sabbath day. The sixth day of the week, Friday, has traditionally been “Preparation Day” in Israel (Mark 15:42). It is easier to have a Preparation Day if the whole nation keeps the Sabbath day, but if you live in a nation that does not keep the Sabbath day like most of us do, a “Preparation Week” might come in very handy.
Be diligent in preparations for the Sabbath day so that you may have a restful, holy Sabbath day and attend your church services like Yahshua did.

      1. Diligently studying the Word
The diligent student diligently studies the Word of Yahweh publicly and privately. That means paying attention during Bible studies given by your church leaders. Your church leaders work hard to ensure they provide you with Holy-Spirit-led, well-written Bible studies to help you grow and mature in Yahshua Messiah. Paying attention to church Bible studies and being engaged during the studies is important to your journey as a disciple of Yahshua. Paying attention to sermons is also important. Make up your mind to listen intently to sermons preached at your congregation and be sure to take notes if that might help you pay more attention. Avoid being distracted by your phone or other people who are not paying attention. Come to church services with a mind that is ready to learn.
In addition to your weekly Sabbath church Bible studies, it is important that you study at home. A survey of 1,000 churches by Greg L. Hawkins and Cally Parkinson, called the REVEAL Spiritual Life Survey documented in a book called MOVE, showed that independent Bible study with meditation was the number one factor in Spiritual growth no matter how long someone has been born again. This, of course, was not a revelation as the Scripture already mentions that if we diligently study the Word, our progress will be evident to all. In instructing young Timothy, Paul said in 1 Timothy 4:13 - 15
“Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 14 Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. 15 Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.”
Paul is encouraging Timothy to develop these practices and to give himself entirely to them. Timothy cannot give himself entirely to these practices if he’s only doing them on the Sabbath day! Paul is expecting Timothy to continue these practices during the week. The student who studies and meditates on the Word seven days a week will outgrow a student who studies and meditates on the Word three days a week.
Avoid never studying the Word during the week. It is a terrible practice, and if you continue doing so you will never be fit for any service in the kingdom of Yahweh.
If you’re not sure what to study, ask your church leaders. They should give you helpful material to keep you more than occupied during the week.
Our church website, CongregationOfYahshua.com has over 500 sermons on several topics that you can listen to during the week and help keep your mind stayed on Yahweh.
Make up your mind today to be diligent in studying the Word both publicly and privately.

      1. Diligent in prayer
The diligent student is diligent in prayer. Prayer is a conversation with Yahweh and can take many forms such as confession of sin, pleas for mercy, requests for encouragement, giving thanks, and blessing Yahweh in praise. The main point of prayer is acknowledging Yahweh’s Presence everywhere you go and including Yahweh in every decision you make daily.
While prayer is mostly understood as setting aside a time to talk to Yahweh, praying without ceasing as is encouraged in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is impossible because we don’t have unlimited amounts of time to set aside for Yahweh. What we do have is the unlimited Presence of Yahweh the Holy Spirit. He is always with us. Therefore, while we should set aside time to get on our knees and pray to Yahweh, we should always be in conversation with Yahweh as we go about our day. That is prayer!
We have been called to acknowledge Yahweh in all our ways and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5 – 6). The diligent student diligently pursues Yahweh in prayer daily, acknowledging Him in the student does. Try to find quiet times during the day to give thanks to Yahweh and acknowledge His daily blessings. Avoid going all day without speaking to Yahweh. Make it a habit to pray daily and to acknowledge Yahweh in everything that you do.

      1. Diligent in repentance
Repentance from sin is not a one-time thing. While our bodies are not yet glorified and have not yet lost the ability to sin, we need to have a heart of daily repentance. When the disciples asked Yahshua to teach them to pray, He said, say, “…forgive us our sins…( Luke 11:1 – 4, Matthew 6:5 - 14)” Yahshua was not expecting His disciples to live in sin or to keep repenting for the same sins, He was teaching His disciples to have an attitude of repentance.
As we grow in the knowledge of Messiah Yahshua, we also increase in the knowledge of sin. We may sin and not know it and thank Yahweh for His grace and mercy! However, neither grace nor mercy is a license to sin and therefore as we pray and talk to Yahweh daily, we should confess and repent of our sins daily. Whether you have knowingly sinned or not, confess your sins daily as Yahshua mentioned in the example prayer.
If you have knowingly sinned, repent quickly and make restitution quickly! Do not remain in sin because sin is damaging to the believer’s heart and conscience. Humble yourself when confronted with sin, do not be pompous, make excuses, or call out others who are doing the same thing. Turn from your unrighteous ways and be restored to Yahweh. The attitude Yahweh desires in our repentance is like the one of the tax collector in Luke 18:9 – 14.
If you have strongholds, ask for the elders to pray over you and continue in prayer until the strongholds are removed, doing all the Scriptures say to do to defeat the forces of darkness.
Avoid being friends with people who do not have a heart of repentance because they will make sin common and palatable. Sin should not be common among the saints; it should be an exception.
When you repent of your sins, turn away from them and remove yourself from anything and anyone that caused or encouraged you to sin. We have been called to “walk circumspectly” that is to pay careful attention to how we live and who we associate with because we are living in evil times (Ephesians 5:15 - 16). Believers have been set apart in unto Yahweh and they must daily set themselves apart to Yahweh in all that they do.
Be diligent in repentance, confessing your sins daily and Yahshua is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

      1. Pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily
Finally, pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily. As has already been stated in previous lessons, the Holy Spirit is the Power and Presence of Yahweh (Luke 24:49). Yahshua instructed the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they had been clothed with power from on high, that means filled with the Holy Spirit.
Believers should always be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask Yahweh daily to fill you with His Holy Spirit so that in all that you do, you do it in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of Yahweh the Father. Believers face temptations to have unholy thoughts, sinful attitudes, and actions daily, therefore it is wise to be filled with the Power and Presence of Elohim.
Pray also to have ears to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit (Revelation 2:29). Pray for your words to be words given to you by the Holy Spirit. It has always been Yahweh’s will for His children to not only receive the Holy Spirit, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to bear much fruit (Luke 11:13, Galatians 5:22 – 24). Yahshua said that when we bear much fruit, we will glorify the Father and will be seen as His disciples (John 15:8).

Please read Luke 14:25 – 33 and chapter 9:23 - 26. In this passage, Yahshua talks about the qualifications of a disciple. These are actions and attitudes every believer must have. The Scripture says that “great multitudes went with Him. (NKJV)” But Yahshua presented the following qualifications of someone who was following Him. Using today’s phrases, you may look at these qualifications as what differentiates someone who “goes to church” from someone who follows Yahshua Messiah. A disciple does not just attend church services, a disciple follows Messiah Yahshua.

      1. A disciple must love Messiah more than everything and everyone else, including herself or himself.
Hate here does not mean hate like you should hate sin. It means the love you should have of Yahshua should be greater than the love you have of anyone else, including yourself.
If you're not willing to hurt the relationship you have with your father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters for the sake of Messiah, you do not qualify to be His disciple.
Your desire for a relationship with Yahshua should be greater than your desire for a relationship with anyone else.

      1. A disciple must renounce all that he has.
So, what does that mean? It means you must be willing to give up anything and everything asked of you by Messiah. If whatever lifestyle you have is contrary to what Yahshua says, you must give it up to become His disciple.
You may like eating pork, going to the club, getting drunk, sleeping around, gossiping, lying, cussing, telling people off, working on Saturday, or living the way YOU want to live BUT if any of that is against what Yahshua teaches, you must be willing to give it up otherwise you cannot be His disciple.

      1. A disciple must deny himself and bear his own cross.
So, what does deny yourself and bear your own cross mean? In Yahshua’s day the picture of people carrying their own crosses was a vivid and common one. What kind of people carried their own crosses? People who were going to die. A cross was a tool of suffering and death and a person who carried his own cross meant that all that person’s desires, wants, dreams, hopes, and plans were cancelled. Anything that person wanted to accomplish on his own would no longer be a reality.
So, to become a disciple of Yahshua, you must deny what you want to do, what you want to accomplish, what you want to become, and instead do what Messiah wants you to do, accomplish what He wants you to accomplish, and become what He wants you to become. This is a daily thing. You must deny yourself and die to yourself daily.
Do you still want to become a disciple of Yahshua Messiah?
Yahshua does not force people to be His disciples. He invites them but also tells them the cost. Yahshua had many disciples but, one day, after a hard teaching many of His disciples left and stopped walking with Him. Yahshua did not run after them or change His teaching. He let them leave. He invites all, but He does not force anyone to stay. You have a free choice to follow Him or leave.
After the hard teaching and after many of His disciples left, Yahshua turned to the twelve disciples and asked them, “Do you also want to go away? (John 6:60, 66 - 67)”
Simon Peter answered as recorded in verses 68 – 69. But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Simon Peter was right. Eternal life is the reward for following Messiah until the end. It must be fully settled within your heart that Yahshua Messiah is the only one who grants eternal life, is the only Son of the living Elohim, and the only Way to Father Yahweh.

      1. A disciple must have already counted the cost
One who wants to become a disciple must count the cost of being a disciple of Yahshua. There is a cost to becoming a disciple. What are some of the costs?
You will definitely lose friends. There is no such reality as an unbeliever who becomes a believer and does not lose friends. There is no fellowship with darkness and one who has moved from darkness and into Yahshua’s marvelous light cannot fellowship with those in darkness.
Disciples of Yahshua do not make friends with the world. They are in the world, associate with the world, but they do not have fellowship with the world. If the Holy Spirit is within you and you are being led by Him, you will not feel comfortable spending time with people engaging in sinful activities. You will not be able to develop deep relationships with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14 – 17, James 4:4).
A disciple of Yahshua will lose worldly friends. Being born again and following Yahshua means losing girlfriends, boyfriends, best friends, and even family members if they do not believe in what you believe. You may still associate with your family members, but your relationships will not be as close. Yahshua mentioned that that is what would happen to everyone who became His disciple. Please read Matthew 10:32 – 39. Do you notice how the language is the same as in the passages we read before?
To be a disciple of Yahshua you must count the cost and be willing to pay it in full.
Please read all referenced verses.
Disciples of Yahshua are also servants of Yahshua and of one another. Yahshua served the Father and He also served us, so we must also serve Yahshua and serve each other. Yahshua did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many, which includes us (Mark 10:42 – 45).
All who follow Yahshua are called to serve. Yahweh delights in His servants and serving Him is the greatest honor given to a human being. The Scriptures say that we are laborers together with Elohim (1 Corinthians 3:9), we are minsters of reconciliation working with Yahweh to reconcile the world back to Himself through Messiah Yahshua and are ambassadors of Messiah (2 Corinthians 5:16 – 21).
We have been called to work both among the saints and among unbelievers, calling them to repentance and showing them the work of Messiah. Before you can be an effective servant of Yahweh among unbelievers, you must first become an effective servant of Yahweh within the church.
Before Yahshua sent His seventy or so disciples to minister to the world (Luke 10:1 - 3), He taught them and trained them, showing them what He was doing. They were in a safe environment, sheep among sheep, learning from Yahshua the gentle Shepherd before going out into the world as sheep among wolves. In the same way, Yahweh has placed in your church leaders who have been instructed to create a safe environment for you to begin serving.
Ephesians 4:1-6 speaks of the call of Yahweh on your life. Since you have believed in Yahshua Messiah, you have been called to walk worthy of your calling. Walking worthy of your calling means living a life that is pleasing to Yahshua. This life is lived with “lowliness and gentleness, patience, bearing one another in love, and endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Our serving of Yahshua happens in the presence, power, and unity of the Holy Spirit.
After Yahshua ascended to the Father, He sent us the gift of Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38, Ephesians 4:7 - 8). The Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift because He comes with many gifts. Every believer, because he or she has the Holy Spirit, has gifts from the Spirit called spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are abilities Yahweh has given His saints to be used for the work of ministry and for the edification (building up) of the church. Every spiritual gift is a calling to serve. 1 Peter 4:10 says that we have each received a spiritual gift and we must use our gift(s) to serve one another.

Yahweh has placed leaders in the church. We are to obey the leaders Yahweh has placed in the church because they watch over your souls as people who must stand before Yahshua and give an account of your spiritual growth (Hebrews 13:7). Yahweh has gifted leaders with the spiritual gifts to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip you for the work of ministry and for the edifying of the body of Messiah (Ephesians 4:11 - 16).
The word “equip” means “to bring to a condition of fitness” or “to perfect.” It is therefore your church leaders’ responsibility to bring you to a condition of fitness in Messiah Yahshua. They are to supply you with as much spiritual material and instruction so that you have the best possible chance of growing in Yahshua Messiah. Just like in a physical fitness program the trainer supplies you with all the equipment and the instruction for becoming fit, but you must do the exercises to be fit. The instructor’s fitness will not pass on to you by you simply listening to him or watching him do the exercises, you must do your own exercises to become physically fit. It is the same way with spiritual growth.
Church leaders should do as much as they can to encourage spiritual growth. They must be in prayer to create an environment that encourages the manifestation of all spiritual gifts. Churches should not be places where people only come to hear sermons and then leave to go and live their lives. They should be places where saints are trained, groomed, encouraged, strengthened, and perfected to do the work Yahweh has called them to do. Elders must work hard to create a safe environment for saints to learn to use their spiritual gifts with patient instruction and encouragement.
Please read all referenced verses.

The manifestation of spiritual gifts among believers is an expected thing and not an exception. Yahweh expects us to use our spiritual gifts whenever we gather and in all ministry work.
The following are some passages that mention spiritual gifts:
  • 1 Corinthians 12:1 – 11, 27 – 31
  • Romans 12:4 – 8
  • Ephesians 4:11
1 Corinthians 14:26 says that when we saints come gather it is expected that we will come with teachings and revelations and tongues. All these are manifestations of spiritual gifts. This is simply an example of a greater expectation of the manifestation of spiritual gifts every time we come together. We ought to be filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms and hymns with thankfulness to Yahweh in our hearts.
Paul encouraged Timothy to not neglect the gift that was in Him (1 Timothy 4:14). Timothy was supposed to exercise the gift and perfect it. You too must exercise the gift that Yahweh has given you. Paul also wrote to the Roman saints to use the gifts that were given them.
Sadly, today it can be difficult for a believer to know what spiritual gift he or she has because many churches do not follow the Biblical model of operation. Many churches are operated like a business with the senior pastor as chief executive officer and no room for the saints to exercise the gifts of the Spirit. Pray for your church to follow the Biblical model, speak to your elders and encourage them to follow the Biblical model, and if Yahweh leads you, find a church that follows the Biblical model. The Biblical model as shown in 1 Corinthians 14:26 allows for the manifestations of all gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Do you know and do you exercise your spiritual gifts? If you are now or have spent most of your life in a church that has not created an environment that encourages the manifestations of all spiritual gifts, you may not know your spiritual gift.
If you do not know your spiritual gift, ask the elders in your congregation. If the church does not create room for saints to use their gifts, it can be difficult even for the elders to know your gift. Pray and have the elders lay hands on you so that you may know your spiritual gift (1 Timothy 4:14).
If you are active in your church and in the world, you may find Spiritual activities you “naturally” do or lean towards. Those may be your spiritual gifts. Ask the elders in your church and brothers and sisters who are filled with the Holy Spirit. They may be able to tell you. Sometimes it can be difficult for us to know our spiritual gifts on our own. The best place to discover the spiritual gift that Yahweh has given you is in a church that encourages the manifestation of all spiritual gifts.
Certain gifts such as prayer, helps, and hospitality may not be immediately evident in a regular Sabbath church service because the environment does not lend itself to the exercising of those gifts. If the church does not regularly gather for prayer and fasting, gifts such as prayer may not be immediately evident. If the church is not active in the community, gifts such as helps may not be immediately evident. The church has been called to be a light in the world and so it’s work must not only be among the saints, but also among unbelievers (Matthew 5:16).


The following section contains a spiritual gift assessment.
If you do not know your spiritual gift or have been in an environment that does not encourage the manifestation of all spiritual gifts, you are encouraged to take this spiritual gift assessment. This spiritual gift assessment is a tool to help you. It is optional.
This assessment is not the Holy Spirit who can tell you what your gift is, it is simply a tool to help you discover your spiritual gift given what you already do in the church. After you take this assessment confirm your findings with your church elders and your brothers and sisters who are led by the Holy Spirit.
If you have been active in the church and you know your spiritual gifts, you may also take this assessment if you’re curious to see if the assessment will show your spiritual gift accurately. Again, pray about your spiritual gift and confirm your findings in this assessment with your elders and brothers and sisters who are led by the Holy Spirit.
This spiritual gift assessment is adapted from Grace Church San Diego.

The following are instructions for taking the spiritual gifts assessment.

Each number means:
1 – Never
2 – Almost never
3 – Sometimes
4 – Almost always
5 – Always
The are no right or wrong answers, or unholy answers, or sinful answers. Each question simply asks whether you engage in the activity or not. Each activity is tied to a spiritual gift and so the activities you rate highest are more likely to be your spiritual gifts and the ones you rate the lowest are more likely to not be your spiritual gifts.
Here is an example of answering the first two questions.
1. I enjoy working behind the scenes, taking care of little details. __3__
2. I usually step forward and assume a leadership role in a group where none exists. __1___

      1. ADD UP EACH ROW
Take the ratings for each question and write them on your answer sheet. Then add each row to get the total.

Circle the three highest totals and match the numbers to the gifts. You will see a list of gifts below.

Confirm with your elders whether they see or have seen this gift manifested in you. Pray and seek confirmation or revelation of your spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit.

Answer the following questions as best as you can. Usually your first “gut” answer is the correct one.
Answer key:
1 – Never
2 – Almost never
3 – Sometimes
4 – Almost always
5 – Always
Write the numbers in the provided space or you can simply enter them in the Question-Gift Key in section C. It also has a space for your answers.
  1. I enjoy working behind the scenes, taking care of little details. ______
  1. I usually step forward and assume a leadership role in a group where none exists. _____
  1. When in a group, I tend to notice and approach those who are alone, to help them feel part of the group. ________
  1. Yahweh has given me the ability to recognize a need and to get the job done, no matter how small  the task. _______
  1. I have the ability to organize ideas, people and projects and to reach a specific goal. ______
  1. People often say I have good spiritual judgement. _______
  1. I am very confident of achieving great things for the glory of Yahweh. ________
  1. I am asked to sing or play a musical instrument at church functions. ________
  1. Yahweh has used me to communicate the Gospel in a language unknown to me. _______
  1. Through my prayers, Yahweh has made the impossible possible. ________
  1. I have an ability to use my hands in a creative way to design and build things to serve Yahweh. ________
  1. I have seen people healed through the prayers I have said. ________
  1. I enjoy giving money to those in serious financial need. ________
  1. I enjoy ministering to people in hospitals, prisons, or rest homes to comfort them. ________
  1. I often have insights that offer practical solutions to difficult problems. ________
  1. I have often understood issues or problems in the church and have seen answers when others didn’t. ________
  1. I enjoy encouraging and giving counsel to those who are discouraged. ________
  1. I have an ability to thoroughly study a passage of scripture and to share it with others. ________
  2. I presently have the responsibility for the spiritual growth of one or more young  believers. ________
  1. Other people respect me as an authority in spiritual matters. ________
  1. I have an ability to learn foreign languages. ________
  1. The Holy Spirit often reveals to me the direction He desires the body of Messiah to move in. ________
  1. I enjoy developing relationships with unbelievers for the sole reason of sharing the Gospel of Yahshua Messiah with them. ________
  1. Whenever I hear reports on the news or in conversations about needy situations, I am burdened to pray. ________
  1. I would like to assist pastors or other leaders so they will have more time to accomplish their essential and priority ministries. ________
  1. When I ask people to help me accomplish an important ministry for the church, they usually say, “Yes.” ________
  1. I enjoy entertaining guests and strangers and making them feel “at home” when they visit. ________
  1. I take the initiative to serve and enjoy serving others, no matter how small the task. ________
  1. I am a very organized person who sets goals, makes plans, and achieves the goals. ________
  1. I am a good judge of character and can spot a spiritual phony. ________
  1. I often step out and start projects that other people won’t attempt, and the projects  are usually successful. ________
  1. I believe I could make a positive difference on the music or worship team. ________
  1. Praying in tongues is personally meaningful to me in my prayer life. ________
  1. Yahweh has used me to make things happen which were far beyond human means. ________
  1. I enjoy doing things like woodworking, crocheting, sewing, metal work, stained glass, etc., and would love to do them for Yahweh. ________
  1. I often pray for those who are physically and emotionally ill, for Elohim to heal them. ________
  1. I joyfully give money to the church well above my tithe. ________
  1. I feel compassion for people who are hurting and lonely and like to spend considerable time with them to cheer them up. ________
  1. Yahweh has enabled me to choose correctly between several complex options in an  important decision when no one else knew what to do. ________
  1. I enjoy studying difficult questions about Elohim’s Word, and I am able to find answers  more easily and more quickly than others. ________
  1. I’m very fulfilled when I encourage others, especially if it’s about their spiritual growth. ________
  1. When a question arises from a difficult Bible passage, I am motivated to research the answer. ________
  1. I enjoy being involved in people’s lives and helping them grow spiritually. ________
  1. I would be willing and excited to start a new church. ________
  1. I can adapt easily to cultures, languages, and lifestyles and would like to use my adaptability to minister in foreign countries. ________
  1. I will always speak up for Christian principles with conviction, even when what I say isn’t popular. ________
  1. I find it easy to invite people to repent and accept Yahweh as their Savior. ________
  1. I have a passion to pray for the significant issues of Yahweh’s kingdom and His will for believers. ________
  1. I enjoy relieving others of routine tasks so they can get important projects done. ________
  1. I can guide and motivate a group of people toward achieving a specific goal. ________
  1. I enjoy meeting new people and introducing them to others in the group. ________
  1. I am very dependable for getting things done on time, and I don’t need much praise or thanks. ________
  1. I easily delegate significant responsibilities to other people.
  1. I am able to distinguish between right and wrong in complex spiritual matters that other people can’t seem to figure out. ________
  1. I trust in Yahweh’s faithfulness for a bright future, even when facing significant  problems. ________
  1. I enjoy singing and praising Yahweh, and people say I have a good voice. ________
  1. I have been led by the Holy Spirit during prayer or worship and have begun to speak in tongues and/or interpret tongues. ________
  2. Yahweh has blessed my prayers so that supernatural results have come from  otherwise impossible situations. ________
  1. I find satisfaction in meeting the needs of people by making something for them. ________
  1. Yahweh regularly speaks to me concerning people’s illnesses so that I can pray for  them. ________
  1. I wouldn’t mind lowering my standard of living to give more to the church and others  in need. ________
  1. I want to do whatever I can for the needy people around me, even if I have to give up something. ________
  1. People often seek my advice when they don’t know what to do in a situation. ________
  1. I have an ability to gather information from several sources to discover the answer to a question or to learn more about a subject. ________
  1. I feel a need to challenge others to better themselves, especially in their spiritual growth, in an uplifting, not condemning, way. ________
  1. Others listen and enjoy my teaching of scriptures. ________
  1. I care about the spiritual welfare of people and do my best to guide them toward a Godly lifestyle. ________
  1. I am accepted as a spiritual authority in my spiritual circles, other parts of the country, or world. ________
  1. I would like to present the gospel in a foreign language, in a country whose culture and lifestyle is different than my own. ________
  1. I feel a need to speak Yahweh’s messages from the Bible so people will know what He expects of them. ________
  1. I always have a desire to tell others how to become a Christian and offer them an invitation to repent and  receive Yahshua into their life. ________
  1. Many of my prayers for others have been answered by the Lord. ________
  1. I enjoy helping others get their work done and don’t need a lot of public  recognition. ________
  1. People respect my opinion and follow my direction. ________
  1. I would like to use my home to get acquainted with newcomers and visitors to the  church. ________
  1. I enjoy helping people in any type of need and feel a sense of satisfaction and gladness in meeting that need. ________
  1. I am comfortable making important decisions, even under pressure. ________
  1. People come to me for help in distinguishing between spiritual truth and error. ________
  1. I often exercise my faith through prayer, and Yahweh answers my prayers in powerful ways. ________
  1. I believe the Lord could use me in the choir to deliver a message through song. ________
  1. I have spoken in a language unknown to me that, when interpreted, brought a blessing to those who heard. ________
  1. Elohim uses me to work miracles for the glory of His kingdom. ________
  1. People say I am gifted with my hands. ________
  1. People often seek me out to pray for their physical healing. ________
  1. When I give money to someone, I don’t expect anything in return and often give anonymously. ________
  1. When I hear of people without jobs who can’t pay their bills, I do what I can to help them. ________
  1. Yahweh enables me to make appropriate application of Biblical truth to practical  situations. ________
  1. I can discover difficult Biblical truths and principles on my own, being led by the Spirit, and I enjoy this. ________
  1. People find it easy to talk with me and respond well to my encouragement to become all they can for Elohim. ________
  1. I am organized in my thinking and systematic in my approach to presenting Bible lessons to a group of people. ________
  1. I help Christians who have wandered away from the Lord find their way back to a growing relationship with Him and get involved in a local church. ________
  1. I would be excited to share the Gospel and form new groups of Christians in areas where there aren’t many churches. ________
  1. I have no prejudice and have a sincere appreciation for people very different from myself. ________
  1. I find it relatively easy to apply Biblical promises to present-day situations, and I’m  willing to confront, in love, if necessary. ________
  1. I have a strong desire to help unbelievers find salvation through Yahshua Messiah.
  1. Prayer is my favorite ministry in the church, and I consistently spend a great deal of time at it. ________

Transfer your answers to the Questions-Gift key below. For best results, do not review the gift key until you have filled in all the numbers. Then circle the three highest totals.
1.           25.            49.              73.                           A                                   
2.           26.             50.              74.                            B                                   
3.           27.             51.              75.                            C                                   
4.           28.             52.              76.                            D                                   
5.           29.             53.              77.                            E                                   
6.           30.             54.              78.                            F                                   
7.           31.             55.              79.                            G                                   
8.           32.             56.              80.                            H                                   
9.            33.            57.               81.                           I                                   
10.          34.            58.               82.                           J                                   
11.          35.            59.               83.                            K                                   
12.          36.            60.               84.                           L                                   
13.          37.            61.               85.                           M                                   
14.          38.            62.               86.                           N                                   
15.          39.            63.               87.                           O                                   
16.          40.            64.               88.                           P                                   
17.          41.            65.               89.                           Q                                   
18.         42.             66.              90.                            R                                   
19.         43.             67.              91.                            S                                   
20.          44.            68.               92.                           T                                   
21.          45.            69.               93.                           U                                   
22.          46.            70.               94.                           V                                   
23.          47.            71.               95.                           W                                   
24.          48.            72.               96.                           X                                   

Below are several spiritual gifts. Each letter matches the spiritual gift in the letter above.
A. HELPS - The gift of helps refers to the capacity to unselfishly meet the needs of others through very practical means.
B. LEADERSHIP - A person operating with a leadership gift demonstrates the capacity to exercise influence over a spiritual group so as to lead it toward a goal or purpose with a particular emphasis on the capacity to make decisions and keep the group operating together.
C. HOSPITALITY - The gifts of hospitalities Biblical concept is often used with the terms “guest,” “stranger,” and “sojourner.” It is useful to limit the meaning of “hospitality” to those outside one’s normal circle of friends, as is implied in the literal meaning of the Greek word meaning “love of strangers.”.
D. SERVICE - A person with the gift of service is often patient and others-centered. They see needs  and find joy in meeting them. They show love through action more than words and they attach value to even menial tasks.
E. ADMINISTRATION - The gift of administration involves a capacity to manage details of service functions so as to support and free other leaders to prioritize their efforts.
F. DISCERNMENT - The discernment gift refers to the ability given by Elohim to perceive issues in terms of spiritual truth and to know the fundamental source of the issues and to give judgment concerning those issues; this includes the recognition of the spiritual forces operating in the issue.
G. FAITH - The gift of faith refers to the unusual capacity of a person to recognize in a given situation that Yahweh intends to do something and to trust Yahweh for it until He brings it to pass.
H. MUSIC - The gift whereby the Spirit enables this person to praise Yahweh through music in such a way as to enhance the worship experience for others.
I. TONGUES (and INTERPRETATION) - The gift of tongues refers to a spontaneous utterance of a word from Elohim in unknown words (to the individual giving the word) to a group of people. The gift of interpretation of tongues refers to the ability to spontaneously respond to a giving of an authoritative message in tongues by interpreting and clearly communicating the message given.
J. MIRACLES - The workings of powers, gift of miracles, refers to the releasing of Yahweh's supernatural power so that the miraculous intervention of Yahweh is perceived, and Yahweh receives recognition for the supernatural intervention.
K. CRAFTSMANSHIP – This gift enables a believer to creatively design and/or construct items to be used for ministry.
L. HEALING - The gift of healing refers to the supernatural releasing of healing power for curing all types of illnesses.
M. GIVING - The gift of giving refers to the capacity to give liberally to meet the needs of others and yet to do so with a purity of motive which senses that the giving is a simple sharing of what God has given to you.
N. MERCY - The gift of mercy refers to the capacity to both feel sympathy for those in need (especially the suffering) and to manifest this sympathy in some practical helpful way with a cheerful spirit so as to encourage and help those in need.
O. WISDOM - The word of wisdom gift refers to the capacity to know the mind of the Spirit in a given situation and to communicate clearly the situation, facts, truth or application of the facts and truth to meet the need of the situation.
P. KNOWLEDGE - The word of knowledge gift refers to the capacity or sensitivity of a person to supernaturally perceive revealed knowledge from Elohim which otherwise could not or would not be known and apply it to a situation.
Q. EXHORTATION - The gift of exhortation is the capacity to urge people to action in terms of applying Biblical truths, or to encourage people generally with Biblical truths, or to comfort people through the application of Biblical truth to their needs.
R. TEACHING - A person who has the gift of teaching is one who has the ability to instruct, explain, or expose Biblical truth in such a way as to cause believers to understand the Biblical truth.
S. PASTOR/SHEPHERD - The pastoral gift is the capacity to exercise concern and care for members of a group so as to encourage them in their growth in Messiah Yahshua which involves modeling maturity, protecting them from error and disseminating truth.
T. APOSTLESHIP - The gift of apostleship refers to a special leadership capacity to move with authority from Elohim to create new ministry structures (churches and ministerial organizations) to meet spiritual needs and to develop and appoint leadership in these structures.
U. MISSIONARY - The special ability that Yahweh gives to certain members of the Body of Messiah to minister whatever other spiritual gifts they have in a culture other than their own. Those with this gift find it easy or exciting to adjust to a different culture or community. Missionaries find great joy working with people in disadvantaged situations, people of other countries, or those with other distinct cultural differences. Those with this gift have a stronger-than-average desire to be a part of the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world.
V. PROPHECY - A person operating with the gift of prophecy has the capacity to deliver truth (in a public way) either of a predictive nature or as a situational word from Yahweh in order to correct by exhorting, edifying or consoling believers and to convince non-believers of Yahweh's truth.
W. EVANGELIST - The gift of evangelism in general refers to the capacity to challenge people through various communicative methods (persuasion) to receive the Gospel of salvation in Christ so as to see them respond by taking initial steps in Christian discipleship, and to encourage the believers to continue pursuing Yahshua.
X. INTERCESSION - Those with this gift often feel compelled to pray for specific requests when they are made known. Intercessors have a much greater occurrence of specific answers to prayer than most believers. Intercessors often have an acute understanding that prayer is genuinely a conversation with Elohim, and when left alone, find themselves engaged in prayer.
Many intercessors experience times when Elohim moves them to pray for situations when they are not entirely sure what they are praying for. To those who get to know intercessors well, prayer becomes contagious. Those with this gift should help others learn how to pray more effectively.
Developed by Bobby Clinton Author of The Making of a Leader and adapted and modified in certain areas by Jeremy Mwangelwa of the Congregation of Yahshua, Pittsburgh.
Church leaders are charged with creating an environment that encourages the manifestation of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It can be a challenging task especially if your current church environment is not like that, and many people are used to a particular church structure. But know that the church belongs to Yahshua, and He is your strength. In Him you can do all things.
Pray intensely, seeking Yahweh’s face, and He will guide you and bring it to pass so that your church will be a beacon of light in your community, strong in the Spirit, and bearing many fruits to the glory of Elohim the Father.
Below are a few suggestions to encourage the manifestation of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your church.

Consider organizing your church into gifted groups. Gifted groups are groups of believers who have the same spiritual gift. For example, you could have an evangelist group, a praise group, a teaching group, a prophecy group, a helps group, a craftsmen group, a mercy group and so on and so forth. Saints who have multiple gifts can belong to multiple groups.
Yahweh has always organized His people into groups. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, spoke with Godly wisdom and led Moses to organize the people into several groups so that Yahweh’s wisdom, teaching, and judgment could be passed to all the people efficiently (Exodus 18:13 – 26).
The Levites, Israel’s priestly group, was divided into three groups based on the sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari (1 Chronicles 23:6 based on Numbers chapter 4). Each group had specific tasks they were supposed to do. Furthermore, 1 Chronicles chapters 23 through 27 (you don’t have to read them), shows how King David divided the people in order to perform the tasks Yahweh required of them. Please read 1 Chronicles 27:1 which documents how David divided the people into military groups.
Knowing then that Yahweh has given diverse gifts to the church, we can say that it is wise for the saints to divide themselves into gifted groups. Such gifted groups could allow for the great manifestation and exercise of spiritual gifts, leading to a healthy, growing, and vibrant church. Gifted groups could allow for saints to perfect their giftings leading to more maturity and more manifestation of the same gifts further leading to the growth of the whole church.  
Some gifts such as hospitality and mercy are best manifested outside of regular Sabbath church services. For example, if the church was having a function inviting another church over, the hospitality group could spring into action making sure all is well with the visitors.
They are gifted in such matters and should be given freedom to express their gifts. The mercy group could visit and comfort people who are shut in, in the hospital, or nursing homes bring the love and warmth of Yahshua with them.
These are suggestions. Pray and speak to your church leaders about the.

For a group to function successfully, it must have a servant leader. A gifted group should have a servant leader. 1 Samuel 10:5 – 6 records a group of prophets who were worshiping and prophesying (it would happen in the future as a sign to Saul). 1 Samuel 19:20 records a group of prophets prophesying and Samuel, the prophet-leader of Israel, standing as leader over them.
Gifted groups should have servant leaders over them. Yahweh’s has standards for any leader over His people and all servant leaders should meet those standards.
Consider the following passages of Scripture:
  • Exodus 18:21 (Leaders Moses should appoint over the people)
  • Acts 6:1 – 6 (Deacons chosen to serve the widows)
  • Titus 1:5 – 9 (Elders, bishops, and general guidance for any leader)
The leaders should be men and women full of the Holy Spirit, mature in the Word, gifted, and meeting the standards Yahweh gives for leaders among His people. The elders of the church should appoint such leaders with laying on of hands.
In a church that is mostly spiritually young, it can take time before leaders can be appointed. During that time the elders should continue to foster an environment that encourages spiritual growth and could lead some of the groups.
Gifted servant leaders should be men and women who are seasoned in their gifting and not novices. They should help bring up, encourage, and nurture the gifting among those in the group. Seasoned evangelists should take their group out and show them show to evangelize effectively.
Seasoned teachers should show up-and-coming teachers how to present the Word more effectively taking into consideration the different levels of spiritual maturity of the group. Those seasoned in discernment should show their group how to hear Yahweh more effectively and follow the Spirit without doubt. Avoid control, boastings, and competitions. Let the Spirit lead in all things and do all things with utmost purity.
Every believer is a disciple and has been called to serve Yahweh. Yahweh has not called you to simply “attend church.” You have been called to work with Him in the reconciliation of mankind to Himself through Yahshua Messiah. You have been given the Holy Spirit who has supplied you with one or more spiritual gifts and these gifts should be used in all ministry.
Do not neglect your gift. Instead, use it, exercise it, and perfect it. Pray for Yahweh to create an environment in your church that encourages the manifestation of all the gifts of the Spirit. Obey your elders, seeking Yahweh with all your heart and following Yahshua in all that He does. If you continue in Yahshua’s word, then you are truly His disciple (John 8:31).
Go in the power of the Holy Spirit and may the grace and peace of our Lord Yahshua Messiah be with you. Amen.