Lesson 1: The Bible: The Word of Elohim
Table of Contents
V. How to Establish the Word in Your Life. 15
VI. Summary - Give the Word First Place. 19
VII. Assignments. 19
VIII. Bible Survey. 19
A. Old Testament. 19
B. New Testament. 23
For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from Elohim. 2 Peter 1:21
All Scripture is inspired by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
Any attempt to understand Elohim and His ways without the Word of Elohim is fruitless. The Bible must be the starting point of all doctrinal discussion, because it is Elohim's revelation of Himself to mankind.
The Law:
Minor Prophets:
At least 47 times the Old Testament makes mention of a group of people called the "Hittites." However, in no other ancient writings was there any mention of this nation. Skeptical scholars, during the late 19th century, used to point out this "mythical" kingdom as proof that one couldn't trust the historical facts written in the Old Testament. Then, in 1906, a German archaeologist unearthed the ruins of a large city in modern-day Turkey, which proved to be the capital of a vast empire, the Hittite empire. Its existence had up to this time been little known and only suspected by archaeologists, yet the Old Testament had been speaking of Hittites for thousands of years.
Merrill Unger -
Unger's Bible Dictionary
Today, archaeological expeditions in the Middle East continue to prove the authenticity of the Old Testament.
Please read all referenced verses.
These writings were the scriptures to the people of Elohim at that time, and Elohim expected them to revere them as such (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2). These books have been passed down to our day and make up what is now known as the Old Testament.
Please read all referenced verses.
When reading the Old Testament, it is important that one realize that all the books in it look forward. When man fell, Elohim promised a redeemer (Genesis 3:15), and the books of the Old Testament point to that Redeemer. Whether by allusion or direct prophecy, you'll find Yahshua in every book of the Old Testament (see Oral Roberts' Christ in Every Book of the Bible).
The Old Testament is the story of the nation Israel, but it is also Elohim's repeated promise that He was going to send a Redeemer to purchase our salvation.
The Gospels are a record of the life, death, and resurrection of Yahshua Messiah; the Acts give you a history of the early church; the Epistles are letters from apostles to churches, explaining Christian doctrines; Revelation is John's record of a vision of the end times that he received while in exile on the isle of Patmos.
While the Old Testament contains Elohim's promise of a Redeemer, the New Testament tells us how that Redeemer came and what He accomplished.
The major divisions of the New Testament are as follows:
At the time the New Testament was written, Greek was a worldwide language. A gospel written in Aramaic or Hebrew would only be useful in Palestine, but one written in Greek could be read anywhere in the known world. Thus, the Greek language was an invaluable tool in the early spreading of the gospel.
The first part of the New Testament to be written down was the Epistles (specifically, the Epistles of Paul). These were written during the period 48-60 A.D. The gospels, written from about 60-100 A.D., were recorded from the memory of those who had walked with Yahshua while He was on the earth (Luke 1:1,2).
It is generally believed that the entire New Testament was written before the end of the first century A.D.
Please read all referenced verses.
Remember, at that time there were no printing presses; these handwritten copies of the gospels and epistles were the only available scripture. One had to come to the place of fellowship to hear the scriptures; that is why Paul exhorted Timothy to practice the "public reading of scripture." (1 Timothy 4:13).
Please read all referenced verses.
Consider what those early believers had for New Testament scriptures - a handful of laboriously written copies. What a privilege it is for us to have such easy access to the Word of Elohim. Let's not waste that privilege by failing to read what modern technology has made so conveniently available to us.
4. PROGRESSIVE REVELATION When studying the Old and New Testaments, the following guideline is an aid in rightly dividing the word of truth: Always interpret the Old Testament in the light of the New Testament! The Bible is progressive revelation. The Old Testament foretells the coming of a Messiah; the gospels tell us of His coming; the Epistles (especially the epistles of Paul) tell what He accomplished through His death and resurrection.
One cannot understand all the things written in the Old Testament without a knowledge of the New Testament revelation of Messiah. Ever). The men who wrote the Old Testament under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit didn't fully
understand what they had written, because Messiah had not yet been revealed (1 Peter 1:10,11). The Ethiopian eunuch needed someone with a working knowledge of this New Testament revelation to explain to him the meaning of Isaiah 53 (Acts 8:30-35).
With the New Testament to shed light on it, the Old Testament becomes a rich treasury of the knowledge of Elohim, full of examples and instructions, which are invaluable to a New Covenant believer (1 Corinthians 10:11).
Please read all referenced verses.
5. THE NATURE OF THE WORD Although it is interesting and helpful to study how the books of the Bible were written down and compiled, we must not lose sight of its real nature. The Bible is much more than a book. It is the Word of Elohim, and as such it is supernatural! By His Word Elohim created the world and the universe (Hebrews 11:3), and even to this day "... all things are upheld by the Word of His power" (Hebrews 1:3). Elohim's Word is alive and full of power (Hebrews 4:12), imparting life to all who will partake of it (John 6:63; Proverbs 4:22).
Please read all referenced verses.
6. ALIVE AND POWERFUL Far from being a dead book, the Word of Elohim is living and powerful. It has within it all the life and power necessary to maintain a believer in victory. Paul had such confidence in this fact that he could leave the Ephesian church while it was still in its infancy; he was convinced that the Word was able to build them up and sustain them (Acts 20:32).
Please read all referenced verses.
7. Elohim’s agent Elohim's Word is the agent by which He accomplishes His will on the earth. Elohim created the world by His Word (Genesis 1:3; Psalm 33:6,9). Men are born again by the Word (1 Peter 1:23). Elohim heals by His Word (Psalm 107:20). Elohim's Word is His power. Please read all referenced verses.
Elohim's Word was the source of all this outpouring because Elohim's Word is His power. Here we see an example of what Paul meant when he said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel (Word of Elohim) because it is the POWER OF ELOHIM unto salvation to all who believe . . . " (Romans 1:16).
Please read all referenced verses.
Yahshua said to His disciples, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
Elohim's Word is an eternal, absolute reality that cannot be altered. It is as unchanging as Elohim is unchanging. As far as Elohim is concerned, what He has spoken is "... settled forever in Heaven" (Psalm 119:89).
Please read all referenced verses.
A person's word is only as reliable as that person's character warrants. The word of a liar or a cheat would not be very valuable; even a good man's word is not absolutely reliable because that good man could change with time. We have this assurance about Elohim: He does not lie, and He cannot change (Numbers 23:19; James 1:17). Elohim's Word is reliable because Elohim Himself is reliable.
Our assurance and faith lie in the Word of Elohim, an Elohim who cannot lie and who cannot fail.
Please read all referenced verses.
Read Hebrews 4:1-3 and Numbers 13:17-33.
In reality, with Elohim on their side and with His Word promising their victory, they were conquerors; they could not have failed. But they chose to put their faith in what they saw and so perceived themselves as grasshoppers.
The lesson we can learn from their mistake is this: Never base your judgments, with regard to any situation, upon the circumstances which you face. Always judge the matter by the Word of Elohim!
PLANT THE WORD AS A SEEDIn numerous parables in the gospels, Yahshua likened the Word of Elohim to a seed (Mark 4:14,26,31). The Word is called many things in the scriptures (e.g. a sword, a light, a rock, etc.), but in these parables Yahshua is trying to show how the power in Elohim's Word can be released. As a seed has life and power, so Elohim's Word has life and power. If you know how to release the power in a seed, then you'll know how to release the power in the Word.
Please read all referenced verses.
Seed is of benefit only if it is planted; seed in a seed bag won't grow. The same is true of Elohim's Word; if it's not planted in our hearts, but left sitting on the shelf or even in our minds, it will never produce the harvest which Elohim intended it to. The Word contains all the power that will ever be needed to produce results, but as with seed, if it's left sitting, and not planted, nothing will happen. However, if you treat it like seed, and plant it in your hear , it will work for you.
Read Mark 4:26-28. From this parable, we can see some principles regarding how to receive a harvest from the Word.
This doesn't happen accidentally! It only happens when a believer makes a quality decision to come to know the scriptures. Throughout the Bible Elohim speaks of the value of giving careful attention to His Word (Deuteronomy 11:18-31; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 19:7,8; 119:9,11; Proverbs 4:20-22; Acts 17:11).
"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life" (Proverbs 4:23). The key to establishing your heart in the Word is diligence. If a believer will diligently give attention to the scriptures, he'll find his knowledge of Elohim and Elohim's Word growing deeper and deeper.
Please read all referenced verses.
Many Christians get discouraged with daily Bible reading because they don't get revelation every time they read. The fact is, however, that whether you feel like it or not, reading the Word has a very positive effect on your inner man. "The precepts of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart, (Psalm 19:8).
Yahshua said, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Elohim" (Matthew 4:4), and "the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life" (John 6:63). The Bible is food for your spirit, and every time you read, your inner man is being fed, even when your emotions don't feel like this is the case.
Please read all referenced verses.
Here are some suggestions to help you establish a daily Bible reading habit:
It's obvious that establishing this time of Bible reading will involve some degree of discipline. But lest we think that discipline is "bondage" and "unspiritual," let's read what Paul wrote to Timothy: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to Elohim as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). Paul also said that we should discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7).
The word meditate means to mutter to oneself, to muse, to ponder, to reflect. In effect, it is saying the Word to yourself over and over again. Meditation will unlock the scriptures to your spirit and enable the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the things of Elohim (1 Corinthians 2:11,12).
As we meditate in the Word and allow the Word to "dwell in us richly" (Colossians 3:16), the Holy Spirit will begin to show us the reality of the spiritual realm which the Word describes (1 Corinthians 2:9,10).
Please read all referenced verses.
Exodus - By the power of Elohim and the leadership of Moses, Israel is delivered from Egyptian bondage. The Law is given; the Covenant established; and the tabernacle built.
Leviticus - Israel is taught the holiness of Elohim and how to approach Him in a holy manner through the sacrificial system, the precepts of the Law, and penalties for violation of the Law.
Numbers - Israel's 40 years in the wilderness. We see Elohim's "goodness and severity" - He judges the old generation and preserves the new.
Deuteronomy - Elohim renews His Covenant with Israel before they enter Canaan. The message is Elohim's faithfulness - to His promises, His purposes, His people.
Judges - Elohim raises up leaders (judges) to deliver Israel from her enemies when she cries out to Him. Covers roughly the first 350 years of Israel's history in Canaan.
Ruth - A story of faith, love and loyalty. The ancestry of David and Yahshua are traced to this Gentile woman.
1 Samuel - The book of transition. Israel turns from leadership by divinely appointed judges (theocracy) to a king (monarchy). It is the book of three remarkable men - Samuel, the last of the judges; Saul, the first of the kings; David, the greatest of the kings.
2 Samuel - The book of David's reign includes his triumphs and his trouble, resulting from his faith and his sin, and how Israel is affected by them.
1 Kings - The remarkable reign of Solomon; the building of the temple; the division of the kingdom (north and south); the ministry of Elijah.
2 Kings - The history of the divided kingdom - the fall of Israel and Judah; the Babylonian captivity; the ministry of Elisha.
1 Chronicles - Geneologies of the patriarchs. The reign of David is recounted with emphasis on worship, the ark, the Covenant, and the temple of Yahweh.
2 Chronicles - Solomon's 40-year reign; the division of the kingdom; the 20 kings of Judah; the Babylonian exile.
Ezra - Restoration of Israel. Exiles return from Babylon; temple is rebuilt; prophets Haggai and Zechariah arise; worship life of Israel rebuilt under Ezra's leadership.
Nehemiah - Reconstruction of Israel. Under Nehemiah's leadership, the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt; the people are reinstructed in the Law and reconsecrated to Elohim.
Esther - Israel escapes extermination. Elohim delivers His Covenant people, who remain in Babylon after the exile, through the Jewess Queen Esther.
Psalms - The hymnbook of the ages. Poetry written for music encompassing both praise and prayer. Themes range from thanksgiving, recognition of Elohim's presence, power and mercy, His deliverance individually and corporately, personal communion and adoration to Messianic prophecy.
Proverbs - The teaching of moral and ethical precepts. Wisdom for practical living in sonnets and maxims.
Ecclesiastes - A sermon with "vanity of vanities; all is vanity" as its text. Personal experience of the preacher proves that when wisdom and pleasure are sought as ends in themselves, the quest fails to satisfy the human soul. Reverence and obedience to Elohim are extolled.
Song of Solomon - A poem glorifying wedded love; a type of the love relationship between Elohim and His chosen people, Christ and the Church.
Jeremiah - Judah receives her last warning to repent before the Babylonian seizure and rejects Jeremiah's message of judgment.
Lamentations - A memorial poem written by Jeremiah on the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
Ezekiel - Prior to the captivity, Ezekiel preached repentance and judgment; subsequently, he envisions the restored Israel - the new temple and the new law.
Daniel - Daniel prophesies of the nations of the world and of ·Israel's future in relation to them in the plan of Elohim.
Joel - Joel calls Judah to repentance to avoid judgment on her dis obedience. Predicts outpouring of Holy Spirit and judgment on the nations.
Amos - Amos prophesies of coming judgment on Israel's injustices and spiritual corruption.
Obadiah - A sentence of judgment is pronounced on the Edomites (descendants of Esau) for their alliance with Israel's enemies and participation in the sacking of Jerusalem.
Jonah - Elohim warns Nineveh of impending judgment through a reluctant prophet, and the people respond with earnest repentance. Reflects Elohim's concern for the salvation of sinful men.
Micah - Micah declares the imminent judgment of Israel and Judah, envisions the ultimate triumph of Jerusalem, and foretells the coming of the Messiah.
Nahum - Nahum follows Isaiah as Elohim's prophet to Judah and picks up 100 years later where Jonah leaves off with Nineveh. Nineveh refuses to repent, and Nahum describes her seige and destruction.
Habakkuk - The prophet protests Judah's lawlessness and reveals Elohim's instrument of judgment to be the Babylonians (Chaldeans). Also describes the triumph of faith.
Zephaniah - Elohim's witness to Judah warns of impending judgment, exhorts them to repent, and promises future restoration.
Haggai - Haggai rebukes the Jews for their disobedience and apathy, encourages them to rebuild the temple, describes the future establishment of Elohim's earthly kingdom and Elohim's judgment on ungodly nations.
Zechariah - Elohim's prophet-priest exhorts Judah to rebuild the temple and describes for them the first and second comings of their Shepherd King.
Malachi - Through this last Old Testament prophet, Elohim calls out to lsrael one more time before the 400-year silence. The appeal is made with promise (blessing) and warning (judgment), and again Elohim allows His people to choose.
Mark - In this gospel, Yahshua is presented as the Miracle-Worker with power over the natural and spiritual realms. It is the Good News in action.
Luke - The Greek physician Luke bridges the gap between Jew and Gentile as he presents the common humanity of the perfect Son of man with all the human family.
John - The eye-witness apostle John plainly declares Yahshua the eternal Son of Elohim, Israel's Messiah, Yahweh Himself, the world's Savior, the world's Creator, the Truth, the Word made flesh, the Life of the world.
Acts - Luke explains how the Gospel began with the promise of Israel's restoration and ended with the Gentile church in Rome. The Holy Spirit is poured out; and the Church is born and grows.
1 Corinthians - Messiah, Elohim's wisdom to the believer. Paul reproves the church at Corinth for its divisions and disorder and then replies to specific problems concerning marriage, women, the Lord's Supper, spiritual gifts, and the doctrine of resurrection.
2 Corinthians - Messiah, Elohim's comfort to the believer. Paul answers his critics, gives an account of his ministry, and vindicates his apostolic office.
Galatians - Messiah, Elohim's righteousness to the believer. Paul corrects the Galatian error - circumcision was not necessary for salvation. He exhorts them to receive Elohim's grace by faith and walk in the liberty of love and the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians - Messiah, Elohim's riches to the believer. Paul writes to the church at Ephesus of the believer's position in Messiah (our wealth) and conduct in the world (our walk).
Philippians - Messiah, Elohim's sufficiency to the believer. Paul writes to Philippi of Christian joy and rejoicing, our gain in Messiah, teaching by example, and Messiah as our Life, our Mind, our Goal, and our Strength.
Colossians - Messiah, Elohim's fulness to the believer. Paul writes to Colosse of the Lordship of Yahshua and the completeness of believers in Him.
1 Thessalonians - Messiah, Elohim's promise to the believer. Paul describes for the Christians at Thessalonica how they were saved, how they are to live, and the glorious hope of the second coming.
2 Thessalonians - Messiah, Elohim's reward to the believer. Paul urges believers to wait patiently and work diligently until Yahshua returns.
2 Timothy - Paul discusses ministry in the local church. In his last epistle, Paul writes of the Gospel as a trust to be preserved, cherished and com mitted to faithful men.
Titus - Paul emphasizes the connection of sound doctrine with godliness of life and the need to maintain good works.
Philemon - Conversion of a runaway slave. A practical illustration of Christian principle applied to social relationship.
James - Yahshua's brother gives the proof of true faith - endurance of temptation, impartial benevolence, control of the tongue, godliness in all things.
1 Peter - Peter encourages Christians in trial and instructs them in holy living.
2 Peter - Peter discusses the true knowledge, false teachers, and the sure promise of the second coming.
1 John - John defines Elohim as love. His main thoughts are mutual Christian love, abiding in Messiah, how to know truth from error, the traits of the born-again, and the believer and the world.
2 John - How to continue in the truth: walk in love and guard against error.
3 John - Truth and love vs. pride and strife.
Jude - Warning to believers of the Gnostic heresy - a philosophy that distinguished between matter as inherently evil and spirit as inherently good.
Unger, Merrill F. Unger's Bible Dictionary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1979), page 49.
Baxter, J. Sidlow Explore The Book (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976). Roberts, Oral Christ In Every Book Of The Bible (Tulsa: Oral Roberts, 1965).
Whitcomb, John C. Chart Of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges (Winona Lake: Grace Theological Seminary, 1965).
Whitcomb, John C. Chart Of Old Testament Kings And Prophets (Winona Lake: Grace Theological Seminary, 1965).
V. How to Establish the Word in Your Life. 15
VI. Summary - Give the Word First Place. 19
VII. Assignments. 19
VIII. Bible Survey. 19
A. Old Testament. 19
B. New Testament. 23
For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from Elohim. 2 Peter 1:21
All Scripture is inspired by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
Any attempt to understand Elohim and His ways without the Word of Elohim is fruitless. The Bible must be the starting point of all doctrinal discussion, because it is Elohim's revelation of Himself to mankind.
The Law:
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- I & II Samuel
- I & II Kings
- I & II Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
Minor Prophets:
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi
- Original language
- Archaeological Proofs
At least 47 times the Old Testament makes mention of a group of people called the "Hittites." However, in no other ancient writings was there any mention of this nation. Skeptical scholars, during the late 19th century, used to point out this "mythical" kingdom as proof that one couldn't trust the historical facts written in the Old Testament. Then, in 1906, a German archaeologist unearthed the ruins of a large city in modern-day Turkey, which proved to be the capital of a vast empire, the Hittite empire. Its existence had up to this time been little known and only suspected by archaeologists, yet the Old Testament had been speaking of Hittites for thousands of years.
Merrill Unger -
Unger's Bible Dictionary
Today, archaeological expeditions in the Middle East continue to prove the authenticity of the Old Testament.
- How it was recorded
Please read all referenced verses.
These writings were the scriptures to the people of Elohim at that time, and Elohim expected them to revere them as such (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2). These books have been passed down to our day and make up what is now known as the Old Testament.
Please read all referenced verses.
When reading the Old Testament, it is important that one realize that all the books in it look forward. When man fell, Elohim promised a redeemer (Genesis 3:15), and the books of the Old Testament point to that Redeemer. Whether by allusion or direct prophecy, you'll find Yahshua in every book of the Old Testament (see Oral Roberts' Christ in Every Book of the Bible).
The Old Testament is the story of the nation Israel, but it is also Elohim's repeated promise that He was going to send a Redeemer to purchase our salvation.
The Gospels are a record of the life, death, and resurrection of Yahshua Messiah; the Acts give you a history of the early church; the Epistles are letters from apostles to churches, explaining Christian doctrines; Revelation is John's record of a vision of the end times that he received while in exile on the isle of Patmos.
While the Old Testament contains Elohim's promise of a Redeemer, the New Testament tells us how that Redeemer came and what He accomplished.
The major divisions of the New Testament are as follows:
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
- Acts
- Romans
- I & II Thessalonians
- I & II Corinthians
- I & II Timothy
- Galatians
- Titus
- Ephesians
- Philemon
- Philippians
- Colossians
- Hebrews
- James
- I & II Peter
- I, II & III John
- Jude
- Revelation
- Original language
At the time the New Testament was written, Greek was a worldwide language. A gospel written in Aramaic or Hebrew would only be useful in Palestine, but one written in Greek could be read anywhere in the known world. Thus, the Greek language was an invaluable tool in the early spreading of the gospel.
- How it was recorded
The first part of the New Testament to be written down was the Epistles (specifically, the Epistles of Paul). These were written during the period 48-60 A.D. The gospels, written from about 60-100 A.D., were recorded from the memory of those who had walked with Yahshua while He was on the earth (Luke 1:1,2).
It is generally believed that the entire New Testament was written before the end of the first century A.D.
Please read all referenced verses.
- How it was compiled
Remember, at that time there were no printing presses; these handwritten copies of the gospels and epistles were the only available scripture. One had to come to the place of fellowship to hear the scriptures; that is why Paul exhorted Timothy to practice the "public reading of scripture." (1 Timothy 4:13).
Please read all referenced verses.
Consider what those early believers had for New Testament scriptures - a handful of laboriously written copies. What a privilege it is for us to have such easy access to the Word of Elohim. Let's not waste that privilege by failing to read what modern technology has made so conveniently available to us.
4. PROGRESSIVE REVELATION When studying the Old and New Testaments, the following guideline is an aid in rightly dividing the word of truth: Always interpret the Old Testament in the light of the New Testament! The Bible is progressive revelation. The Old Testament foretells the coming of a Messiah; the gospels tell us of His coming; the Epistles (especially the epistles of Paul) tell what He accomplished through His death and resurrection.
One cannot understand all the things written in the Old Testament without a knowledge of the New Testament revelation of Messiah. Ever). The men who wrote the Old Testament under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit didn't fully
understand what they had written, because Messiah had not yet been revealed (1 Peter 1:10,11). The Ethiopian eunuch needed someone with a working knowledge of this New Testament revelation to explain to him the meaning of Isaiah 53 (Acts 8:30-35).
With the New Testament to shed light on it, the Old Testament becomes a rich treasury of the knowledge of Elohim, full of examples and instructions, which are invaluable to a New Covenant believer (1 Corinthians 10:11).
Please read all referenced verses.
5. THE NATURE OF THE WORD Although it is interesting and helpful to study how the books of the Bible were written down and compiled, we must not lose sight of its real nature. The Bible is much more than a book. It is the Word of Elohim, and as such it is supernatural! By His Word Elohim created the world and the universe (Hebrews 11:3), and even to this day "... all things are upheld by the Word of His power" (Hebrews 1:3). Elohim's Word is alive and full of power (Hebrews 4:12), imparting life to all who will partake of it (John 6:63; Proverbs 4:22).
Please read all referenced verses.
6. ALIVE AND POWERFUL Far from being a dead book, the Word of Elohim is living and powerful. It has within it all the life and power necessary to maintain a believer in victory. Paul had such confidence in this fact that he could leave the Ephesian church while it was still in its infancy; he was convinced that the Word was able to build them up and sustain them (Acts 20:32).
Please read all referenced verses.
7. Elohim’s agent Elohim's Word is the agent by which He accomplishes His will on the earth. Elohim created the world by His Word (Genesis 1:3; Psalm 33:6,9). Men are born again by the Word (1 Peter 1:23). Elohim heals by His Word (Psalm 107:20). Elohim's Word is His power. Please read all referenced verses.
- The effects
Elohim's Word was the source of all this outpouring because Elohim's Word is His power. Here we see an example of what Paul meant when he said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel (Word of Elohim) because it is the POWER OF ELOHIM unto salvation to all who believe . . . " (Romans 1:16).
Please read all referenced verses.
Yahshua said to His disciples, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
Elohim's Word is an eternal, absolute reality that cannot be altered. It is as unchanging as Elohim is unchanging. As far as Elohim is concerned, what He has spoken is "... settled forever in Heaven" (Psalm 119:89).
- Unfailing
Please read all referenced verses.
- Reliable
A person's word is only as reliable as that person's character warrants. The word of a liar or a cheat would not be very valuable; even a good man's word is not absolutely reliable because that good man could change with time. We have this assurance about Elohim: He does not lie, and He cannot change (Numbers 23:19; James 1:17). Elohim's Word is reliable because Elohim Himself is reliable.
Our assurance and faith lie in the Word of Elohim, an Elohim who cannot lie and who cannot fail.
Please read all referenced verses.
Read Hebrews 4:1-3 and Numbers 13:17-33.
- The evil report
In reality, with Elohim on their side and with His Word promising their victory, they were conquerors; they could not have failed. But they chose to put their faith in what they saw and so perceived themselves as grasshoppers.
- The truth
- Faith vs unbelief
- The Word vs. circumstances
The lesson we can learn from their mistake is this: Never base your judgments, with regard to any situation, upon the circumstances which you face. Always judge the matter by the Word of Elohim!
PLANT THE WORD AS A SEEDIn numerous parables in the gospels, Yahshua likened the Word of Elohim to a seed (Mark 4:14,26,31). The Word is called many things in the scriptures (e.g. a sword, a light, a rock, etc.), but in these parables Yahshua is trying to show how the power in Elohim's Word can be released. As a seed has life and power, so Elohim's Word has life and power. If you know how to release the power in a seed, then you'll know how to release the power in the Word.
Please read all referenced verses.
Seed is of benefit only if it is planted; seed in a seed bag won't grow. The same is true of Elohim's Word; if it's not planted in our hearts, but left sitting on the shelf or even in our minds, it will never produce the harvest which Elohim intended it to. The Word contains all the power that will ever be needed to produce results, but as with seed, if it's left sitting, and not planted, nothing will happen. However, if you treat it like seed, and plant it in your hear , it will work for you.
Read Mark 4:26-28. From this parable, we can see some principles regarding how to receive a harvest from the Word.
- The first step
- Time
- Trust & patience
- The full harvest
- How to Establish the Word in Your Life
This doesn't happen accidentally! It only happens when a believer makes a quality decision to come to know the scriptures. Throughout the Bible Elohim speaks of the value of giving careful attention to His Word (Deuteronomy 11:18-31; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 19:7,8; 119:9,11; Proverbs 4:20-22; Acts 17:11).
"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life" (Proverbs 4:23). The key to establishing your heart in the Word is diligence. If a believer will diligently give attention to the scriptures, he'll find his knowledge of Elohim and Elohim's Word growing deeper and deeper.
Please read all referenced verses.
Many Christians get discouraged with daily Bible reading because they don't get revelation every time they read. The fact is, however, that whether you feel like it or not, reading the Word has a very positive effect on your inner man. "The precepts of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart, (Psalm 19:8).
Yahshua said, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Elohim" (Matthew 4:4), and "the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life" (John 6:63). The Bible is food for your spirit, and every time you read, your inner man is being fed, even when your emotions don't feel like this is the case.
Please read all referenced verses.
Here are some suggestions to help you establish a daily Bible reading habit:
- Set a time
- Set a goal
- Pray
- Make no exceptions
It's obvious that establishing this time of Bible reading will involve some degree of discipline. But lest we think that discipline is "bondage" and "unspiritual," let's read what Paul wrote to Timothy: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to Elohim as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). Paul also said that we should discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7).
- Some tools for studying
- An accurate Bible translation, one with which you are comfortable and accommodates your vocabulary (e.g. New American Standard, New International, King James, Revised Standard Versions).
- Amplified Bible - A translation of the Bible that expands the meaning of the original languages.
- Bible concordance - A concordance lists alphabetically all the words used in the Bible with their context and location (be sure that the concordance you buy matches the translation of Bible that you read, e.g. Young's, Strong's, Cruden's).
- Bible Dictionary - Defines Biblical names, places, and concepts (Unger's, Zondervan, Davis).
- Bible Handbook - A synopsis of the entire Bible, giving much historical and geographical background information (Halley, Unger's).
- Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
- Pen and notebook - Write down what you discover from your examining of the scriptures.
- Some methods of study
- Read your entire Bible. Every Christian should read the Bible all the way through. Use a daily Bible reading plan that will systematically take you through the whole Bible in a specified period of time. The original text of this course contained a Bible reading plan that will take you from Genesis to Revelation in one year at the rate of about 20 minutes of reading per day. You may also find reading plans online.
- Bible study by chapters. Outline chapters according to author, time period, main subject, main thoughts, key verses, and key words.
- Bible study by words. By tracing certain words, such as love, grace, healing, the tongue, you'll gain greater insight into the nature of Elohim and the nature of the new creation. Use a concordance or the cross-reference in your Bible margin. (A reference Bible will give a notation in the margin or by footnote of related scriptures.)
- Bible study by topics. Closely related to word study is a study of basic Bible topics. By choosing fundamental subjects such as prayer, sowing and reaping, faith, healing, freedom from fear, you can group related scriptures for a greater understanding of Bible principles.
- Bible study by Proverbs. This book is rich in wisdom and basic moral instruction. It can be studied by outlining each chapter or by tracing basic principles: e.g. contrasts - wisdom and folly, good and evil, diligence and sloth; honesty, family life, mercy, love.
- Bible study by prophecy. It is of great value to trace the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, particularly as it relates to Yahshua. It can be done easily in a Bible with marginal cross-references.
The word meditate means to mutter to oneself, to muse, to ponder, to reflect. In effect, it is saying the Word to yourself over and over again. Meditation will unlock the scriptures to your spirit and enable the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the things of Elohim (1 Corinthians 2:11,12).
As we meditate in the Word and allow the Word to "dwell in us richly" (Colossians 3:16), the Holy Spirit will begin to show us the reality of the spiritual realm which the Word describes (1 Corinthians 2:9,10).
Please read all referenced verses.
- Summary - Give the Word First Place
- Assignments
- Bible Survey
- Old Testament
- Pentateuch (5)
- Old Testament
Exodus - By the power of Elohim and the leadership of Moses, Israel is delivered from Egyptian bondage. The Law is given; the Covenant established; and the tabernacle built.
Leviticus - Israel is taught the holiness of Elohim and how to approach Him in a holy manner through the sacrificial system, the precepts of the Law, and penalties for violation of the Law.
Numbers - Israel's 40 years in the wilderness. We see Elohim's "goodness and severity" - He judges the old generation and preserves the new.
Deuteronomy - Elohim renews His Covenant with Israel before they enter Canaan. The message is Elohim's faithfulness - to His promises, His purposes, His people.
- History (12)
Judges - Elohim raises up leaders (judges) to deliver Israel from her enemies when she cries out to Him. Covers roughly the first 350 years of Israel's history in Canaan.
Ruth - A story of faith, love and loyalty. The ancestry of David and Yahshua are traced to this Gentile woman.
1 Samuel - The book of transition. Israel turns from leadership by divinely appointed judges (theocracy) to a king (monarchy). It is the book of three remarkable men - Samuel, the last of the judges; Saul, the first of the kings; David, the greatest of the kings.
2 Samuel - The book of David's reign includes his triumphs and his trouble, resulting from his faith and his sin, and how Israel is affected by them.
1 Kings - The remarkable reign of Solomon; the building of the temple; the division of the kingdom (north and south); the ministry of Elijah.
2 Kings - The history of the divided kingdom - the fall of Israel and Judah; the Babylonian captivity; the ministry of Elisha.
1 Chronicles - Geneologies of the patriarchs. The reign of David is recounted with emphasis on worship, the ark, the Covenant, and the temple of Yahweh.
2 Chronicles - Solomon's 40-year reign; the division of the kingdom; the 20 kings of Judah; the Babylonian exile.
Ezra - Restoration of Israel. Exiles return from Babylon; temple is rebuilt; prophets Haggai and Zechariah arise; worship life of Israel rebuilt under Ezra's leadership.
Nehemiah - Reconstruction of Israel. Under Nehemiah's leadership, the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt; the people are reinstructed in the Law and reconsecrated to Elohim.
Esther - Israel escapes extermination. Elohim delivers His Covenant people, who remain in Babylon after the exile, through the Jewess Queen Esther.
- Poetry (5)
Psalms - The hymnbook of the ages. Poetry written for music encompassing both praise and prayer. Themes range from thanksgiving, recognition of Elohim's presence, power and mercy, His deliverance individually and corporately, personal communion and adoration to Messianic prophecy.
Proverbs - The teaching of moral and ethical precepts. Wisdom for practical living in sonnets and maxims.
Ecclesiastes - A sermon with "vanity of vanities; all is vanity" as its text. Personal experience of the preacher proves that when wisdom and pleasure are sought as ends in themselves, the quest fails to satisfy the human soul. Reverence and obedience to Elohim are extolled.
Song of Solomon - A poem glorifying wedded love; a type of the love relationship between Elohim and His chosen people, Christ and the Church.
- Major Prophets (5)
Jeremiah - Judah receives her last warning to repent before the Babylonian seizure and rejects Jeremiah's message of judgment.
Lamentations - A memorial poem written by Jeremiah on the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
Ezekiel - Prior to the captivity, Ezekiel preached repentance and judgment; subsequently, he envisions the restored Israel - the new temple and the new law.
Daniel - Daniel prophesies of the nations of the world and of ·Israel's future in relation to them in the plan of Elohim.
- Minor Prophets (12)
Joel - Joel calls Judah to repentance to avoid judgment on her dis obedience. Predicts outpouring of Holy Spirit and judgment on the nations.
Amos - Amos prophesies of coming judgment on Israel's injustices and spiritual corruption.
Obadiah - A sentence of judgment is pronounced on the Edomites (descendants of Esau) for their alliance with Israel's enemies and participation in the sacking of Jerusalem.
Jonah - Elohim warns Nineveh of impending judgment through a reluctant prophet, and the people respond with earnest repentance. Reflects Elohim's concern for the salvation of sinful men.
Micah - Micah declares the imminent judgment of Israel and Judah, envisions the ultimate triumph of Jerusalem, and foretells the coming of the Messiah.
Nahum - Nahum follows Isaiah as Elohim's prophet to Judah and picks up 100 years later where Jonah leaves off with Nineveh. Nineveh refuses to repent, and Nahum describes her seige and destruction.
Habakkuk - The prophet protests Judah's lawlessness and reveals Elohim's instrument of judgment to be the Babylonians (Chaldeans). Also describes the triumph of faith.
Zephaniah - Elohim's witness to Judah warns of impending judgment, exhorts them to repent, and promises future restoration.
Haggai - Haggai rebukes the Jews for their disobedience and apathy, encourages them to rebuild the temple, describes the future establishment of Elohim's earthly kingdom and Elohim's judgment on ungodly nations.
Zechariah - Elohim's prophet-priest exhorts Judah to rebuild the temple and describes for them the first and second comings of their Shepherd King.
Malachi - Through this last Old Testament prophet, Elohim calls out to lsrael one more time before the 400-year silence. The appeal is made with promise (blessing) and warning (judgment), and again Elohim allows His people to choose.
- New Testament
- History (5)
Mark - In this gospel, Yahshua is presented as the Miracle-Worker with power over the natural and spiritual realms. It is the Good News in action.
Luke - The Greek physician Luke bridges the gap between Jew and Gentile as he presents the common humanity of the perfect Son of man with all the human family.
John - The eye-witness apostle John plainly declares Yahshua the eternal Son of Elohim, Israel's Messiah, Yahweh Himself, the world's Savior, the world's Creator, the Truth, the Word made flesh, the Life of the world.
Acts - Luke explains how the Gospel began with the promise of Israel's restoration and ended with the Gentile church in Rome. The Holy Spirit is poured out; and the Church is born and grows.
- Christian Church Epistles / The Pauline Epistles (9)
1 Corinthians - Messiah, Elohim's wisdom to the believer. Paul reproves the church at Corinth for its divisions and disorder and then replies to specific problems concerning marriage, women, the Lord's Supper, spiritual gifts, and the doctrine of resurrection.
2 Corinthians - Messiah, Elohim's comfort to the believer. Paul answers his critics, gives an account of his ministry, and vindicates his apostolic office.
Galatians - Messiah, Elohim's righteousness to the believer. Paul corrects the Galatian error - circumcision was not necessary for salvation. He exhorts them to receive Elohim's grace by faith and walk in the liberty of love and the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians - Messiah, Elohim's riches to the believer. Paul writes to the church at Ephesus of the believer's position in Messiah (our wealth) and conduct in the world (our walk).
Philippians - Messiah, Elohim's sufficiency to the believer. Paul writes to Philippi of Christian joy and rejoicing, our gain in Messiah, teaching by example, and Messiah as our Life, our Mind, our Goal, and our Strength.
Colossians - Messiah, Elohim's fulness to the believer. Paul writes to Colosse of the Lordship of Yahshua and the completeness of believers in Him.
1 Thessalonians - Messiah, Elohim's promise to the believer. Paul describes for the Christians at Thessalonica how they were saved, how they are to live, and the glorious hope of the second coming.
2 Thessalonians - Messiah, Elohim's reward to the believer. Paul urges believers to wait patiently and work diligently until Yahshua returns.
- Pastoral Epistles / The Pauline Epistles (4)
2 Timothy - Paul discusses ministry in the local church. In his last epistle, Paul writes of the Gospel as a trust to be preserved, cherished and com mitted to faithful men.
Titus - Paul emphasizes the connection of sound doctrine with godliness of life and the need to maintain good works.
Philemon - Conversion of a runaway slave. A practical illustration of Christian principle applied to social relationship.
- Hebrew Christian Epistles (8)
James - Yahshua's brother gives the proof of true faith - endurance of temptation, impartial benevolence, control of the tongue, godliness in all things.
1 Peter - Peter encourages Christians in trial and instructs them in holy living.
2 Peter - Peter discusses the true knowledge, false teachers, and the sure promise of the second coming.
1 John - John defines Elohim as love. His main thoughts are mutual Christian love, abiding in Messiah, how to know truth from error, the traits of the born-again, and the believer and the world.
2 John - How to continue in the truth: walk in love and guard against error.
3 John - Truth and love vs. pride and strife.
Jude - Warning to believers of the Gnostic heresy - a philosophy that distinguished between matter as inherently evil and spirit as inherently good.
- Prophecy (1)
Unger, Merrill F. Unger's Bible Dictionary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1979), page 49.
Baxter, J. Sidlow Explore The Book (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976). Roberts, Oral Christ In Every Book Of The Bible (Tulsa: Oral Roberts, 1965).
Whitcomb, John C. Chart Of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges (Winona Lake: Grace Theological Seminary, 1965).
Whitcomb, John C. Chart Of Old Testament Kings And Prophets (Winona Lake: Grace Theological Seminary, 1965).